Jan 28, 2007 13:29
So... it's about time for an update. Major things are happening.
John & I are moving. To Van Wert, Ohio. You don't know where that is, you say? It's in northwestern Ohio, right between East Bumfuck & the Boondocks. Population 10,000. It used to be called Black Swamp. No Kroger, no Giant Eagle. No big chain restaurants that aren't fast food. No mall. One bar. No Target. No Barnes & Noble. I don't even think they have a freakin' Starbucks, & that's one company I thought had invaded every corner of the country. Two hours from Columbus. Two hours from my parents. Two hours from Windsor. Thirty minutes from Ft. Wayne, Indiana, so I guess that's where we'll be hanging out in our spare time. I really hope I like Van Wert more than it looks like I will.
I guess I should mention why we are moving. John got hired as the new Sports Editor for the Van Wert Times-Bulletin. The pay is pretty good for the area, & once he gets some experience in at a small paper, it'll be easier to move on to bigger papers.
When John was getting close to graduating college, we started talking about what would happen if he got a job out of the city or out of the state. I told him unequivocally that I would follow him wherever he would go; if he got a job in Siberia, I would go to Siberia. I'm not exactly jazzed about going to Van Wert & leaving my beloved Columbus, but I've weighed the pros & cons. There are less cons, & less significant cons, if I go.
I'm a little worried about the transition, I'll admit. Moving from the 4,000-some village of Lexington to the almost 2,000,000 people city of Columbus my first time was quite an adjustment, but a very good adjustment. When I had to move back to Lexington, it was harder. Granted, Van Wert is bigger than Lexington, but it's the same transition from huge to tiny all over again. And I love Columbus so much. Some people don't like it here & some people take it for granted, but I love it. I really hope to come back someday.
John & I have been spending the last few days getting things squared away for the move.
Cancel cable (they're coming on the 3rd)
Cancel internet (it's shut off on the 11th)
Switch cell phone providers (neither of us had coverage in Van Wert - my # is the same)
Switch banks
Find a Van Wert apartment (it's ours on the 1st, I think)
Get rid of our Columbus apartment (yikes! but it's getting worked on)
Get internet for new place
Get cable for new place
Clean the apartment
Pack all our shit
Those last two tasks are, unfortunately, primarily falling on my shoulders. John already left for Van Wert about an hour & a half ago. They wanted him to start today/tomorrow really, really, really badly. They're putting him up in a bed & breakfast until he can get into our apartment, hopefully on Thursday. Then on Saturday (the 3rd) John is coming back down here & his mom is coming, too. She is bringing a van & taking up things like John's bed, dresser, etc. We were just going to move altogether on the 3rd, but I have to work all this week, so I won't be ready. The week after the 3rd I am done with work, so I'm going to spend that whole week packing & cleaning. My dad is coming down on the 10th to move my shit up to Van Wert. It sucks, but it's the best way to do it. I already miss John a lot, & I'm not at all looking forward to coming home every night this week to an empty apartment. I keep reminding myself that he'll be back for a while on Saturday, & then a week after that we'll be together for good.
I guess I really don't have much else to say about moving. That's really the biggest thing that is going on right now.
Mixed feelings.