So last friday I got my wisdoms removed. Took only two and a half hours, three x-rays, and two procedures to complete. My teeth came out in parts - the dentist had to saw each of them in thirds and fourths to pry them out of my tiny mouth. Plus, they were all impacted and growing at 90 degree angles to my other teeth.
For the past two days Ive been doped up on vicodin and penicillian and sleeping all day long. Not to mention that my face is swollen up like a balloon. My diet so far consists of Ensure drinks, mashed potatoes, and rice porriage. Yummyness. Can't wait till I can eat candy and chips and all that crunchy stuff again. (^_^)
Moving on to more important matters, I have a project in one of my classes where I'm supposed to administer a test and see how well people do. While I'm sleeping 23 hours a day, its been hard to do that, so Im hoping that you guys can do it for me and spread the word a bit. I only need 15 people to take it...and you dont have to be super serious about it...just put some effort into it so i dont look like a loon...(more so that I do currently, anyways)
Here's the link to the test. Fill out the info and post the answers in my "comments" section. I'll post up correct answers at the end of the week. Don't cheat and edit answers. The whole point is to see if anyone actually remembers this stuff after its all over and done with. Please, please help me out if you can. Thankies!!