(no subject)

Mar 27, 2012 07:02

Good news: Scheherazade's Facade is fully funded. And then some. So it's going to be an actual book, in digital and dead tree editions. Fantastic work, all. Thanks so much to everyone who helped.

And--just tossing this out there--if the number somehow slips up to $10k, the editor will put together a second installment of the anthology that focuses on science fiction. Which I think is nifty as hell.

Not So Good News: Looks like I'm not going to WisCon after all, due to a scheduling conflict that is on me for missing but which I couldn't really have done much about even if I'd noticed it back when it happened. It's one of those things that's not technically anyone's fault, but I've spent the last twelve hours just incredibly annoyed and trying not to direct that annoyance at anyone who doesn't actually deserve it. Which, again, is no one. Except possibly me.

I'm considering trying to get to Worldcon instead, but God, that membership fee. Ugh. Maybe Readercon? I don't know. Bleh.

This entry was originally posted (with
comments) at my Dreamwidth.

wiscon!, tell me a story

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