Feb 12, 2006 16:31
YOSH! +_+ Today has so far been a very good day! Usually, I wake at7 a.m. and proceed with my training. BUT NOT TODAY! *____* Today, I woke at the crack of dawn! So that I was able to get in AN EXTRA HOUR OF TRAINING!! YATTA! +_+
I then proceeded on with my usual breakfast of eggs, toast, waffles and orange juice! *___* Oh orange juice! Why do they nick name you like the serial killer?! TT___TT That seems so very mean! But such a nick name will never drive me away! *_____* For I know of your high Vitamin C content!! AND I VALUE YOU FOR THIS, ORANGE JUICE, AND NOT FOR YOUR NICKNAMES!!
After the consumption of my breakfast, I went on to jog 100 times around Konoha +_+! However, at around 76 or such, I lost track because an old lady's kitten was in a tree! AND I HAD TO RESCUE IT! But alas, afterwards, I forgot what number I was on, and so, I simply started over! AND I AM STILL ENERGETIC!! YATTA! *______*
And now! Because I still have such energy! I will go and make myself lunch! AND THEN GO MY AFTERNOON TRAINING!!!! YOSH! GOOD BYE FOR NOW, DEAR JOURNAL AND ANY STALKERS WHO MAY BE READING THIS! And if you are reading.... it's very unyouthful of you U___U