SNOW DAY!!! (for me,since I live in Detroit, and it snowed really hard over here)

Mar 01, 2005 13:42

Even though my school didn't declare a snow day, I couldn't go anyway cuz my dad didn't wanna drive thorugh the snow.
Today has been nice and relaxing for me. But I do have 2 help my dad with his ministry but it's not that bad since I can still listen 2 music and b on the comp while doing it.
And I'm gonna post some kick a** lyrics but Julie's gonna kill me cuz she likes The Used too,but I really like The Used and I'm makin them my 3rd fav band. This is my obessed song of the day!

Light With A Sharpened Edge lyrics
Free from the torment of sin
All this I’m giving up
Much as the sun would decide to give in
Exploding to orange
And hear all the voices sing praises and hymns
Mark the birth of a change
Free from the torment of sin
All this I’m giving up

It’s not me
Buried wreckage my soul
It’s not me so who am I now

Over and over again
Light with a sharpened edge
Cut through the black empty space we call sky
Beginning the cycle that stays
And I know in my heart we all die
Like the day and the night
Like the sun in the sky
All this I’m giving up

It’s not me
Buried wreckage my soul
It’s not me so who am I now?

Is there another side?
Beyond the black and white
Place I could meet you by
A place on the other side
I’ll let you know when I go
When I’m gone

It’s not me
Buried wreckage my soul
It’s not me so who am I now?
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