Aug 28, 2007 23:13
Alrighty~ YAY~ Writing something again. I suck at all this jazz~ ohoho hoho ho~ Anywayz, Pi is FINALLY BACK!! *rejoices* She's been back for a while, but I'm lazy when it comes to LJ. It loves being a whore...Anywho~~ >_> I've decided that I am determined to learn everything about Photoshop, Video Editing and learn Japanese. There are more things I wanna do. I love sketching, so naturally I'd love to progress in that as well. Tesshi [my sensei for Photoshop, ne~ ^_^], has been helping a bit with it as well. That female is talented ne! O_O I'm going to suck her dry as far as CS is concerned~ ohoho hoho ho~
I'm sure a lot of you share the same thing, as far as wanting to go to Japan. How far are you going to go? Do you wanna just be able to see it, to experience it? Or do you want more? For me, I want more. I want to start my life there, soak it all in and live. That's how much I love that place. When Cat went there and told me more about the people, the environment and such, the more I wanted to live there. It fits me, exactly where I wanna be. I'm going to make it happen no matter what. Tesshi, Cat and I have been discussing this for a while now and I believe we three are dead set on it. We wanna go there and live. Go there and start our new lives. Naturally it'll be hard and there will be setbacks as well. There's no such thing as NO SETBACKS! Heh, I'm well aware of that.
I can't wait to get a stable job and start saving up. GYAAAAAAAAAA! I'm already losing my mind just THINKING about it! JAPAN!! I'll come one day!! lalala~ Anywayz..this year and perhaps next year too, I'll be working and saving up every single thing I get. I'll also try to learn as much Japanese as I possibly can. Gotta be prepared when I get there, right~? ^_^ Well then, I think I'm gonna stop now, cuz honestly I've lost track of what I was saying and I don't feel like reading through all this shit~ >_> Till later, suckerrrrrrs~~ *dances*