Feeling like an update? XD

Apr 02, 2011 08:02

So, here I am, as usual, with months between a post. I'm getting worse at this, aren't I? *sigh*

So much has happened since my last post... So much crap, and bullshit, and retardation, I don't know where to begin. Guess I'll just try to update while keeping it as "short" and "brief" as possible.

Since my last post, which I talked about my upcoming hernia surgery and waiting on the approval from my insurance company; yeah, that never came through. Until this day the insurance company is being very anal about it. It's been months and still nothing. I've gone to different doctors, and different hospitals, and still nothing. And the biggest issue at the moment is that, apparently, over here they don't do preventative care/surgery. So...unless I'm dying at their doorstep, they won't do the surgery. What's worse is that they won't even approve the tests they need to determine whether there's significant damage to my esophagus yet or not. Isn't that some bullshit? Assholes. But, whatever, I can't allow myself to get stressed over this. After months of getting upset and down about this, I've decided that...that's enough of that, y'know? I'm just going to take this to mean that now is just not the right time for this surgery to happen.

They claim they'll cover everything related to my hernia, including the surgery, after I renew my insurance with them at the end of May, when it expires. And I'm just like, fuckers...what makes you think I'd do that? They're going against their policy already by not approving all of this; claiming it's an "undeclared illness", and that I should've "declared" it when I was first diagnosed with the problem years ago. To which we're like wtf? All my doctors say it's automatically "declared" once they make my medical report and put it in the file. It was "declared" once they did the initial test that FOUND the hernia. And now they're claiming it ain't "declared"? What kinda crap is that? My doctors say they're bullshitting me and just trying to get outta having to pay, but whatever... dogs will be dogs. Their bullshit has delayed everything for me and I ain't gonna wait around, for God only knows how many more months,  just for them to decide they won't cover it after all. I was supposed to be in Houston, working, by now. But, because of this shit, it's been delayed by months. So meh, to hell with them. I'll just continue my treatment once I get to Houston...

Anyway... during all this drama, my body got stressed and other shit started acting up. My hidradenitis flared and I ended up having surgery for it again; making it the 6th surgery just for that problem. Sounds like fun, huh? Unfortunately this can't be cured, so I just gotta suck it up and deal with it. But, my shoulder is healing well (where I had it this time), and most of my gripping strength has returned after keeping up with the therapy exercises; and the twitching has pretty much stopped. All is well, in that regard. Should I also mention that, also during all this, my brother had an accident the same day as my surgery, and so did my aunt (separately, but same day). Crazy, huh? Don't worry, they're both fine, but my brother wrecked his car. Oh, but he's got another one now XD A mustang this time. Lord help us all, lol~

Preparations for Houston are coming along; slowly but surely. I'm expected to be there by the end of May now. Got some things to finish wrapping up, from both my side and my brother's in Houston. I've managed to get all my medical records from all the hospitals here, except for one. I got sidetracked following up on the last hospital 'cuz of my unexpected surgery, lol. It's ready for me, I just gotta pick it up XD

Well, let's see, what else is new? Hmmm... Since my last post I found a home for one of my kittens; the girl of the bunch, CC. She found a very nice couple to take her in and she's happy XD I just got three of the boys left, which is taking longer than I'd hoped. I pray that I'll be able to find stable homes for all of them before I leave. Otherwise I'll worry my ass off about them while I'm gone...

I've also been hanging out, and getting to know, my neighbors a lot more over these past few months. It's funny how I've lived here in the same complex as them for years, but never got to really know them, or spend time with them. And, now that I'm leaving, all of a sudden we're hanging out almost all the time. It's given me a reason to want to come back and visit. It's amazing how the world turns...

With everything that's been going on these past few months, I've had a lot of time to just sit and think about a ton of things. I feel like...my life hasn't even started yet. That, my going to Houston is just the beginning of so many things I could accomplish; and all the people I could help. I'm really looking forward to it. It really is a fresh start. I've got no friends there in Houston; just a lot of family members, and only one of whom I'm really close with (my brother). I'm glad, in a way, that I don't know many people there. They won't know my past, or that I've had 13 surgeries and everything I've gone through unless -I- tell them. There won't be my dad going around telling everyone and their mother my whole medical history and all the shit my brother, sister, and I have been through... It really makes me feel lower than low when he does that.. Like...it's none of their business how many surgeries I've had, or how sick my mother was and why she died. They don't know me. They don't know us. Why are you telling my whole life story to some random nurse in the hospital, or a random clerk at a store? Seriously... Dude talks to darn much...

I really need to get back to my sketching... I know that once I leave, and start working, I'll probably regret not having spent more time practicing my art when I actually had the time to do so.. Man, I'm messed up, heh...

Well, I guess I'll stop for now. There's much else to talk about, but I shall leave 'em for later.

personal, personal: cats, personal: surgery

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