May 09, 2006 19:00
I'm supposed to use a letter to post ten words that mean something to me. Jen gave me the letter L.
1. Love - It's that thing that's fun to do. (Also see: Elaine)
2. Laughter - I thrive on this stuff. Can't get enough of it.
3. Literal - Something I'm usually not.
4. Listener - I like to think I'm a good one. I also...listen to...a lot
5. Lively - You won't find me standing by myself in a corner.
6. Luck - It appears I have some.
7. Laundry - What I am currently doing.
8. Ladies - They're my favorite.
9. Learning - I've had to do a lot of this very quickly recently. It'll only get more intense.
0. Little - Because it's the little things that make life great.
Speaking of Ls, I'm going to take my L test tomorrow. This event is long overdue.
So...anyone else want a letter to do?
You'll feel the sting left by this curse