May 13, 2012 11:38
In our real world, everything has to do with space. Space has three dimensions. We can describe things in space as being right here or over there. If we see someone as we walk along, we can describe them as being behind us, beside us, or in front of us. In other words, each of us are familiar with the concept of space and can describe things as being in space in many ways. Time in our world is used as a marker which we see in clocks or as a time location in 3 dimensional space. To state the obvious, if I'm to meet you at a coffee shop I'd better know at what time. Our real world is essentially about space-time or space and time since we can move through space in all directions at any time. The quantum world is the reverse of the real world. Space is like time in our real world. Space only exists as a marker. In the quantum world we think of space as right here or over there. We can't travel through space in the quantum world to get from here to there because space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world. Time in the quantum world involves the past, present and future. Quantum particles show all the states, possibilities and information at the same time. This process is called superposition and is equivalent to our being able to go anywhere at any time under all conditions in our real world of space. Another concept in the quantum world is something I call superlocation. Since space doesn't physically exist in the quantum world more than one thing can exist at the same spot or location. This is equivalent in the real word to being able to build something like a house at the same location using different materials. Travel in the quantum world is done through a process called entanglement, because the quantum world can't move through physical space because physical space doesn't exist . If I have a quantum particle here and another particle over there, I can entangle my particle with the other particle to make both particles have the same states, possibilities, and information at the same time. This process of entanglement of two quantum particles also involve quantum time being in the present, past, and future and moving between the present, future and past.
This is how it works but it gets confusing:
1. Alice has a quantum particle which is in the present.
2. Alice entangles her present quantum particle with another quantum particle that is in the present now, but it travels to the future during the entanglement procedure through quantum time since physical space in the quantum world is non-existent. This happens because entanglement takes time which can only be used by traveling from the present to the future because physical space in the quantum world is non-existent.
3. Alice's future entangled particle is given to Victor. The entangled particle is in the present as far as Victor is concerned because he received the entangled particle now.
4. Alice's original quantum particle is now in the past.
Bob goes through the same procedure and gives his entangled particle to Victor. Both Bob's and Alice's original quantum particles are now moved to the past and Bob and Alice's entangled quantum particles being held by Victor are in the present. Bob and Alice's entangled particles now held by Victor in the present are the effects of the original entanglement. So far so good. We have Bob and Alice's original quantum particles in the past and they are the cause. If Victor, who has Alice and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles in the present, measures Alice's and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles without causing entanglement, Alice and Bob's original quantum particles don't change while in the past thereby adulterating history. If Victor, who has Alice and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles in the present, measures Alice's and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles causing entanglement, Alice and Bob's original quantum particles change while in the past adulterating history. Thus the cause in the present quantum time world has created an effect in the past and thereby altered history. In our real world, which is space centered location the cause always precedes the the space location of the effect. The cause in our space centered real world if in the past has an effect on the present and future. If the cause is in the present the effect is in the future. In a quantum world which is time centered, cause can alter effect which is in the past.
In summary:
1. Bob goes through the same procedure that Alice went through.
2. Quantum Time has no physical space, so when you finish doing something you move it into the past.
3. Bob moves his original quantum particle into past quantum time.
4. Alice's and Bob's entangled quantum particles are given to Victor who is in the quantum time present.
5. When Victor measures the entangled quantum particles showing all states, possibilities, information one state, possibility, information is arbitrarily chosen.
6. If Victor measures the entangled quantum particles without entangling them, then one state, possibility, information also appears in the original quantum particles that are in the quantum time past.
7. If Victor measures the entangled quantum particles and also entangling them, then one different state, possibility, information appears in the original quantum particles that are in the quantum past.
8. This entanglement alters the quantum time history.
9. Here's the tricky part. Alice and Bob's original quantum particle was the cause and when the entangled quantum particles were created, they were the effect.
10. Alice and Bob's original quantum particle was moved to the quantum time past and is still the effect. So far so good.
11. When Victor measured the Alice and Bob's separately entangled quantum particles and entangled them he created a cause that altered quantum time history.
12. Here's the tricky part. Since Alice and Bob's quantum time particles were located in the past, Victor altered the original effect with a cause located in the present.
13. Thus a cause located in the present caused an effect that was located in the past.
14. In our space centered real world the location of the cause always precedes the location of the effect. Since the location of the cause was in the quantum world present, it did not precede the location of the effect which was in the quantum world past.
quantum time