No Good Deed

May 05, 2007 00:06

Yup, I'm a tool, so suck it

1. Put your iTunes on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING...

What does next year have in store for you?
Distant Memories (Titanic soundtrack) well that's promising...

What does your love life look like next year?
Candle in the Wind (Elton John) well shit...

What do you say when life gets hard?
Bad News (One of Janice's CDs) Hahaha, how appropriate

Song that reminds you of good times?
The Phrase that Pays (The Academy Is...) Haha, good times with a certain someone

What do you think when you get up in the morning?
Take my Picture (One of Holden's CDs) An appropriate one for those hangover mornings

What song will you dance to at your wedding?
Older Chests (Damien Rice) Well my chest will be older.

Song that reminds you of your first kiss?
Here to Stay (Christina Aguilera) Yeah, this makes no sense.

Your favorite saying?
40 Kinds of Sadness (Ryan Cabrera) I don't know what part of this one is saddest. The title for the question or the fact that I have Ryan Cabrera on my itunes.

Favorite place?
The Most Loneliest Day of my Life (One of Holden's CDs) Wow, my itunes is emo

Most Missed Memory?
Live This Life (Big & Rich) I miss listening to this freshman year when I couldn't be happier to be with my family

What song describes your best friend?
The Sweet Escape (Gwen Stefani) Oh, yes, I love this quiz now just for this answer.

What song describes your ex?
Everyone (Backstreet Boys) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Where would you go on a first date?
I'll Be That Girl (Barenaked Ladies) "Cause we've got plenty of time To grow old and die
But when at last your beauty’s faded You'll be glad that I have waited for you"

Drug of choice?
Slow Down (The Academy Is...) "You kiss me like an over-dramatic actor who's starving for work"

What song describes yourself?
Tears and Rain (James Blunt) Oooh, good job quiz and itunes!

What is the thing you like doing most?
Lean on Me (Idina Menzel) Hooray for being a pillar!

The song that best describes the president?
In the Waiting Line (Zero 7) Again, hahahahahaha

Where will you be in 10 years?
Call and Answer (Barenaked Ladies) Ooh, not looking too hot future

Your love life right now?
On the Way Down (Ryan Cabrera) Oh fuck you quiz of truth

What is your state of mind like at the moment?
There's a Face (Eve 6) Ooh, how appropriate

How will you die?
Rest Stop (Matchbox 20) Oh, I hope I go like they do in the campy horror movies!

The song you'll put as the subject?
No Good Deed (Wicked soundtrack)

Tonight I saw Cats! in the city with Conner y su familia. And realized some things are worse than I thought. But I did get pawed by Victoria, the white cat. And that spectacle musicals aren't all entirely bad. Who'd'a thunk it?
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