Mar 01, 2013 15:05
Ok an admission - I saw the very first episode of Doctor Who. I was nine years old!
The excitement of knowing it was coming grew and grew until the day of the first episode we were beside ourselves. We were visiting family friends on the day, but they allowed my brothers and I to watch the telly. My eldest brother sat on the sofa, me and my next older brother stood to watch all the way through.
It was so exciting. At last the Sci Fi world that we loved was coming alive for us, not just with US imports like Pathfinders, but with our own television!
And now, as we slowly, slowly approach the 50th Anniversary it feels like that all over again!
But no one is saying anything - until this morning. John Barrowman was on This Morning and when asked finally was able to say he had had a phone call - "We are discussing things" was all he said and has since been on Twitter to say that it could mean anything. Yeah, right John, I expect they want you to make the tea on filming days... or do you know anyone who makes a great cup of coffee? :D
Well whatever it is, it is NEWS at last!!
doctor who,
john barrowman