Dec 31, 2007 02:25
DylanJC (9:48:54 PM): wink at your mom for me, she'll understand
freekychild5 (9:48:58 PM): ok
freekychild5 (9:49:02 PM): i'll make it a big, deliberate
freekychild5 (9:49:05 PM): dragged out wink
DylanJC (9:49:07 PM): hit on your mom for me
DylanJC (9:49:16 PM): she'll...get grossed out
DylanJC (9:49:18 PM): you sicko
DylanJC (10:15:24 PM): what was dinner
freekychild5 (10:16:21 PM): shit
freekychild5 (10:16:26 PM): steak and mashed potatoes
freekychild5 (10:16:28 PM): very
freekychild5 (10:16:30 PM): very american.
DylanJC (10:16:59 PM): thats a healthy three course meal
freekychild5 (10:20:15 PM): so you guys are about as responsive as a cadaver
DylanJC (10:20:29 PM): I responded a couple times
DylanJC (10:20:36 PM): Id be scared the freak out
harmonoid (10:20:58 PM): ... of a cadaver?
freekychild5 (10:21:04 PM): of a responsive cadaver?
DylanJC (10:21:19 PM): well, I suppose a cadaver too, but a responsive cadaver
freekychild5 (10:31:54 PM): there's not much you can say to someone who loses a family member
freekychild5 (10:32:04 PM): besides like "i'm sorry for your loss"
freekychild5 (10:32:12 PM): "how you holding up" if you're a close friend
freekychild5 (10:32:26 PM): or "blowjobs are 50" if you're a pick me up
DylanJC (10:32:59 PM): or "better luck next time" if you're Buddhist
freekychild5 (11:05:13 PM): i just mixed mint ice cream and cookies and cream
freekychild5 (11:05:24 PM): it's all like, bottom of the carton but combined it's an unstoppable bowl of flavor
DylanJC (11:06:50 PM): Ruslan, start learning bass
freekychild5 (11:06:56 PM): man i am making some nasty fart smell
freekychild5 (11:06:58 PM): ok yea
freekychild5 (11:06:59 PM): i wanna do that
freekychild5 (11:07:29 PM): hahahahaha i am just a mess.
freekychild5 (11:07:38 PM): but yea bass
DylanJC (11:07:40 PM): haha
DylanJC (11:07:53 PM): downing ice cream and farting
DylanJC (11:07:57 PM): welcome back to fatdom
harmonoid (11:23:46 PM): yeah, when string players tell me they can't go bowling I call them wimps
harmonoid (11:23:50 PM): now you are a super wimp
DylanJC (11:24:41 PM): hey, I can bowl just as much as anyone else
DylanJC (11:24:50 PM): just cause I throw the ball overhand doesnt change that
DylanJC (11:25:01 PM): that doesnt make me a wimp
harmonoid (11:27:06 PM): Tell your sister I'm a good cuddler
freekychild5 (11:28:46 PM): sorry i'm dyslexic and told her you were a cuddlefish, the crustaceans which despite their name, devour entire fish with quick, violent swipes of their tentacles
freekychild5 (11:28:47 PM): is that ok?
DylanJC (11:29:34 PM): dyslexic, eh?
DylanJC (11:29:42 PM): tell her I'm a....bonerfish
harmonoid (11:30:07 PM): that's actually what I meant
harmonoid (11:30:25 PM): because I have a girlfriend already, and don't need your kid sister to cuddle with me for warmth or affection
harmonoid (11:30:33 PM): you know, unless she wants to
freekychild5 (11:30:37 PM): i just told her that you want to bone her ishtar album
DylanJC (11:30:52 PM): eh, close enough
freekychild5 (11:30:57 PM): we do have an ishtar album.
freekychild5 (11:31:00 PM): alabina
freekychild5 (11:31:04 PM): arabique superstar
DylanJC (11:31:04 PM): and Id bone it
freekychild5 (11:31:11 PM): i dunno cds are pretty...
freekychild5 (11:31:14 PM): well not like i'd know
freekychild5 (11:31:15 PM): but
freekychild5 (11:31:20 PM): they dont look fun.
DylanJC (11:31:33 PM): it fits
harmonoid (11:31:34 PM): Yeah, the hole is waaaaay too wide for my Johnson
DylanJC (11:31:34 PM): dont worry
DylanJC (11:31:39 PM): hahaha
harmonoid (11:31:53 PM): it just jingle around like a flea in a dog's skull
DylanJC (11:32:01 PM): well, too WIDE
DylanJC (11:32:06 PM): but just right in height
freekychild5 (11:32:38 PM): it's a ruler
freekychild5 (11:32:41 PM): shaped dick
DylanJC (11:33:54 PM): it's actually a twizzler
DylanJC (11:34:14 PM): in shape and color
DylanJC (11:34:21 PM): and molecular composition
DylanJC (11:37:22 PM): if 12" is an extreme
DylanJC (11:37:26 PM): and 4" is average
harmonoid (11:37:28 PM): haha
DylanJC (11:37:29 PM): that means some guys out there
DylanJC (11:37:37 PM): negative 8"?
freekychild5 (11:37:38 PM): are below extreme
harmonoid (11:37:42 PM): 1 1/3 inches
harmonoid (11:37:44 PM): 4/3
freekychild5 (11:37:51 PM): 5/1
freekychild5 (11:37:54 PM): i mean
freekychild5 (11:37:54 PM): shit
DylanJC (11:37:55 PM): haha "how long are you?"
harmonoid (11:37:58 PM): haha, losers
DylanJC (11:37:59 PM): "seven..."
DylanJC (11:38:03 PM): "fourths"
harmonoid (12:11:36 AM): haha, the quad playing one?
freekychild5 (12:11:43 AM): uh
harmonoid (12:11:46 AM): that's my woman
harmonoid (12:11:48 AM): stay away
freekychild5 (12:11:49 AM): no she didnt play instruments
harmonoid (12:11:50 AM): some day
freekychild5 (12:11:53 AM): haha
freekychild5 (12:12:00 AM): wasnt that girl a 4 foot tall asian
harmonoid (12:12:44 AM): she was tall enough
harmonoid (12:13:14 AM): I remember making some really awkward comment to her about knowing who she was when we went to exchange candy at halftime
freekychild5 (12:13:30 AM): haha
freekychild5 (12:13:32 AM): good going
harmonoid (12:13:41 AM): I definitely saved it, though
harmonoid (12:13:45 AM): so it was all good
DylanJC (12:13:56 AM): that was Hera
harmonoid (12:14:00 AM): YES
harmonoid (12:14:01 AM): my love
harmonoid (12:14:19 AM): her kiss was like that of an angel
harmonoid (12:14:24 AM): or so i imagine
DylanJC (12:14:50 AM): haha, I was about to say "you never kissed an angel"
DylanJC (12:15:05 AM): but really, you never kissed her
DylanJC (12:15:08 AM): she was an angel though
DylanJC (12:15:59 AM): she's a psych major now though
harmonoid (12:16:13 AM): Oh man, she's gonna make money too? I gotta marry her now
harmonoid (12:16:16 AM): Reintroduce us
DylanJC (12:16:20 AM): hahaha
harmonoid (12:16:24 AM): Leave out the part about my committed relationship
freekychild5 (12:23:06 AM): is she black?
freekychild5 (12:23:17 AM): cause that's gross
DylanJC (12:25:02 AM): Slan and I make one mean pickingup machine
DylanJC (12:25:14 AM): he can have all the whites, I can have the coloreds
DylanJC (12:25:17 AM): we can split the Asians
freekychild5 (12:25:39 AM): no samoans
freekychild5 (12:25:43 AM): and NO AMAZONS
harmonoid (12:25:52 AM): to be fair, my record is kinda only 2:1 white to asian
DylanJC (12:26:03 AM): haha
DylanJC (12:26:12 AM): yeah, but you make Briana tape her eyes back into slants
DylanJC (12:26:14 AM): so it doesnt count
harmonoid (12:26:35 AM): I told you not to repeat that
harmonoid (12:26:41 AM): she thinks it's a bondage thing
pshduhleah (11:23:04 PM): on george lopez, their kid or somethings in the hospital and they still have time to make a joke
pshduhleah (11:23:04 PM): i wish i were him
DylanJC (11:39:24 PM): I hate that show
pshduhleah (11:42:56 PM): me too
pshduhleah (11:43:08 PM): so the mom wanted a third kid
pshduhleah (11:43:11 PM): or whatever number
pshduhleah (11:43:19 PM): and shes like "but if we have another kid, itll be a teen when im 40"
pshduhleah (11:43:21 PM): and she was serious
DylanJC (11:47:03 PM): yeah, that show is for Hispanics
pshduhleah (11:47:22 PM): HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
pshduhleah (11:47:25 PM): that explains it
pshduhleah (11:47:26 PM): thank you
pshduhleah (9:23:52 PM): lillian loves you
DylanJC (9:24:49 PM): yeah, I know, but sometimes I feel, that just loving me isnt enough
DylanJC (9:25:03 PM): I need the physical love too
pshduhleah (9:25:34 PM): hahaha
DylanJC (9:10:54 PM): Sa(dda)m Hussein!!
tobias0087 (9:11:05 PM): ...obama
DylanJC (9:11:16 PM): wrong
DylanJC (9:11:21 PM): I wouldve accepted
DylanJC (9:11:23 PM): Dylary Clinton
DylanJC (11:25:17 PM): I asked Sam about inviting people
DylanJC (11:25:24 PM): and he said "the women are handling that"
DylanJC (11:25:32 PM): and I know that borderline includes you
pshduhleah (11:25:44 PM): thanks
DylanJC (11:50:34 PM): I can find you some horse-on-girl action
pshduhleah (11:50:55 PM): uhh
DylanJC (11:51:10 PM): oh right
DylanJC (11:51:14 PM): you arent lesbo
DylanJC (11:51:17 PM): horse-on-guy*
pshduhleah (2:08:31 AM): youre so angry
DylanJC (2:08:39 AM): haha, Im not mad
pshduhleah (2:08:44 AM): not mad, passionate
DylanJC (2:08:49 AM): yes, that is it
DylanJC (2:08:51 AM): hehe
pshduhleah (2:08:50 AM): it makes me horny
pshduhleah (2:08:52 AM): just kidding
pshduhleah (2:08:53 AM): bye
AlexanderTheDane (1:53:08 AM): blake is impossible to get to go anywhere unless you kidnap him and tell his mother to go fuck herself
DylanJC (9:43:23 PM): its kinda funny, my mom left it a total mess
DylanJC (9:43:26 PM): which is so unlike her
DylanJC (9:43:43 PM): she didnt even leave us a list of chores
DylanJC (9:43:52 PM): so I dont know if her plants need watering or anything
AlexanderTheDane (9:56:30 PM): nice
AlexanderTheDane (9:56:35 PM): i'd bet they probably do
AlexanderTheDane (9:56:43 PM): you know, just given that they are PLANTS