I've been thinking about making an album of Talking Heads covers for awhile now but have never made myself make it happen. I think it's time to force myself to be more familiar with some of my
toys (and get some
new ones) and try to have this done over the next year. (Esp. for when Ingrid and I are living in Syracuse, NY without much to do.)
born under punches
love -- building on fire
i'm not in love
stay hungry
burning down the house
girlfriend is better
slippery people
life during wartime
stay up late
road to nowhere
papa legba
Click to view
born under punches
love -- building on fire
Click to view
i'm not in love
Click to view
stay hungry
Click to view
girlfriend is better
Click to view
slippery people
Click to view
life during wartime
Click to view
stay up late
Click to view
road to nowhere
Click to view
Click to view
papa legba
I have a rule about coversongs that just pale in comparison to the original.. so it'll probably be a long, long time before anyone gets to hear anything but I really like the idea of this project-- and I do much better with my day-to-day when I have something compelling like this to do with it.
* do take the time to watch the "Life During Wartime" performance from the 2002 Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame induction. And if "Papa Legba" doesn't make you want to dance around, there's something wrong with you.