(no subject)

Feb 28, 2005 23:43

winter brake is over. now we got like 5 weeks until spring brake. i wait in misery. I wish it would all just end. The house is in riot, as usual. I sit in my room every night, waiting for them all to go to sleep so I can come out. I feel like a third world citizen staying in the white house.

Kevin is up here. He comes in after touring Atlanta last night and lays down in MY room at 8:30 and calls me selfish when I turn on the TV or talk on my cell phone. He takes up for me, but I pay for it, trust me. Sunday we went to stone mountain. It was ok, except it was about 25 degrees at 1600 feet, raining, slippery (stone mountain is the worlds biggest rock.) and windy as hell, about 45 to 55 mile per hour winds, blew me over while walking several times, I was so afraid of slipping and falling off the rock. Oh well, then we went to chili’s to eat. It wasn’t all that great, and I had to get water cause I was not about to make Kevin pay for my drink and food. I had like 10 bucks and my meal was like 9.99. yeah, close call….lol.

Im going to the army navy store for decorations for my uniform today so I will be looking good for the battalion ball. Jean, Ill send you a picture. Lol. Im dying inside from lack of love. I mean, I have no women in my life that I can hold on too, I don’t have a “loving” family at home. Im just one sad puppy.

I miss Statesville. I don’t miss my family there, but my friends, I miss playing x-box at midnight with clayton, or watching the panthers with Bian. I can still remember the entire night of the superbowl last year. Eating at cici’s pizza, going home, and everything between. I remember going to the park with josh and stef and jean and them. I miss those times. I miss jean making weird faces at me. Home life destroyed all that.

Going to visit my friends for new years started me off with Scott the asshole calling my dad saying I was making threats at people before I even arrived. Then josh turning against me. Not inviting me to the wedding. They can kiss my fucking white ass. All of them who live at 131 mandy beth.

The only exception would be Emily. She don’t know how bad of parents she has. Both of them. She doesn’t know about the time that her “mother” took me to my dad’s friends house, sat me in front of a Nintendo and then went into the other room with a man and got high and cheated on my father while they were married. She don’t know about the skeletons in their closets. I don’t have the right to tell her I guess. Im a sorry brother, right? Oh well, josh should stand up be a man and tell her then call defacs on them.

Sorry assholes….. oh well, now my dad says I cant go anywhere for spring brake. Fuck that, I will be going somewhere, I want to go to florida. He thinks im going to get stoned like last time, I tell him, I don’t do that anymore but he don’t believe me.

Jessica is slowly coming back in my life, but I told her I dont want to get serious with anyone right now. That is the truth. I just NEED someone to be there for me. The way I need them, I need great friends. Anyone wanta step up for that? Yeah, I know. Didn’t think so. I mean, 1 great friend would make things worth living.

Oh yeah, im going active. As in Active army. Ill be stationed overseas for 2 to 6 years. Maybe. Maybe ill go to college first. Let them pay for it. Or go guard for 2 years while in college then go active for the rest of the contract. I don’t know anymore. But hey.

Yall need yahoo messanger or msn messanger, cause im online in class now, but my aim don’t work, It sucks I know well sorry so long, leave me some love, or comments. Or call me and let me know you care. Peace.

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