Ecstatic Dance

Sep 08, 2006 03:04

Last night was the one night a month Ecstatic Dance at Kalani Retreat Center about a mile from the nude black sand beach. It was amazing. I don't think I have felt such powerful and obvious positive energy.... ever, really. The Dj looked just like Moby, and he also facilitated the talking, and gave us an intermission, and a chance to talk at the end. Through out 98% of it, you are not allowed to say any words. Other sounds are fine, but even saying Hi to someone is not allowed. I of course had a hard time with that, since I wanted to meet people. There where maybe, 300 people all together, in a beautiful, huge open air/screened in hall with hard wood floors. When we were quiet, we could hear the ocean. The moon was full, and watching it coming up over the waves, it was all I could do to stay on the twisted, turny, jungly road while driving. The music was fabulous. There were many, many beautiful woman. Everyone seemed to be a good or better then good dancer. Many people were also running, doing interpretive movement, laying on the floor, doing yoga, everything. I was happy to see that I actually knew about 6 people when I got there. Afterwards, me and possibly the 5 most attractive women there, and this guy named Robin Hood decided to drive down to the warm ponds to swim. I drove Robin Hood, and along the way we stopped at his moms house where he is staying. She has her own private beach, and it was very beautiful. I liked his mom right away. Is seems that she is a lesbian, and his dad is gay. They just randomly had sex one time, and concieved him. So we all sat on the lava and watched the tide come in and took turns singing and playing guitar. The girls that were there were all working on (well, I forgot the real name, but I'll just call it the lesbian farm for Tony's benefit) One girl named Hannah, I have a huge crush on, and she def. swings that way, but she is a bit stand offish. I think many, many people hit on her constantly, so she is like that. Later I drove Robin Hood home, and we debated her orientation, and I think there is some kind of competition going on between us too. I hope I win.

There is also a girl named Veronica that I adore, she has performed acupuncture on me twice now, which has really helped my poor back. I think she made it possible for me to dance last night, because I hadn't been able to for weeks before that.

Tomorrow I think I will be taking the little girls (Katelin and Hannah) to go snorkeling while Nickie goes to work.
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