The following highly disturbing icons are from Conquest of the Planet of the Apes. The fourth installment in the Apes series, this prequel/sequel takes place twenty years after Cornelius & Zira come back in time to pre-ape Earth & are brutally murdered by the human government. (Even though they were from the future, so no matter what humans do the
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BTW, I thought Caesar had already been named at the time of the scene in the governor's office where he chooses a name. I'm pretty sure Armando used the name Caesar. The governor was suspicious because Caesar seemed to know exactly what name to choose. "Caesar! A king!"
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Speaking of Milo and plot holes, I always wondered why the female chimp (Heloise) would agree to swap her baby and Milo. Although Zira says she and Heloise "understand each other," I find it odd that Heloise would give up her baby.
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