Sep 03, 2003 19:46
Kat is the best lover ever in creation. She never stops amazing me. We had some of the most explosive sex yesterday. Oh the things that grrl can do to me. If I could bottle it and sell it would. I would even rent her out to the world in a gesture of goodwill toward man if it wasn't against my better judgement. I love her so much and not just for her doggystyle. Though that shit is the shizznit fo sho. After all of this time she still excites me like no one else ever could. I am so happy for me!!!!! If only I didn't start today she would not be sleeping as I type this. As a matter of fact I wouldn't have time to type this. Things are going well at work even after a small vacation made neccesary by illness. I closed a deal within my first couple of hours back in the office. Mo money mo money. Off to bed to sleep and dream...Maybe I'll look at a few random journal's first...