Jan 10, 2008 02:16
Ah, I haven't been on here in... Forever. XD 2 months?
Sorry about the unannounced hiatus, for anyone who reads or cares XD
I'm still alive!
School starts in a week :O I'm taking:
+Cultral Anthropology
+World Geography
+Japanese 2
+Intro to Sociology
>_< Super... I'm only looking forward to Japanese ahaha. Who would've thought? I'm pondering adding a yoga class though o.O Just for the hell of it.
*long sigh*
I don't even know where to begin on my life as of late. So busy, so much drama, so much.... everything.
I guess I'll talk about christmas.
Christmas was good!
I got:
+A Laptop
+A Color Printer (which I'm figuring out how to get it on the wireless network XD)
+Escape Gift Card (Bubble tea :D YUM)
+Chocolates XD
+Polo Ralph Lauren Travel Bags
+A Blackberry Pearl Phone
o.o hm... I think that's it O_o *thinks* I've probably forgotten some little things...
New Years Sucked. I was sick O_o Got sick Wednesday before New year, I was sick for about a week. I was weak, getting sick anytime I ate anything, I was in pain, I lost my voice. I don't know what hit me, but it sucked whatever it was... Weird thing is, I don't know anyone around me who got sick, who I got it from.... it just originated in me I guess XDDD
Happy!Project is still thriving. We finished 2nd generation auditions, but now one girl decided she didn't want to do the new sub-group and instead wanted to be in the Happy Paradise Team (our parapara subunit), soooo We had a spot still open for 2nd gen in the new subgroup... So we went back to the people who wanted to turn in an application but didn't make deadline and contacted a few of them to go ahead and send in the application. We have one girl we're almost postive that we want to accept.
It's hard because since we started, we've never turned anyone down... But this was the first audition where we were turning some people down for 2nd generation membership....
We have some awesome plans for this year though, and I'm really excited. Kristy and I are releasing our single "Sexy Snow" which is C/W "Waa~! Merry Pink XMAS" XD Our PV is nearly finished too! <3 I'm so excited. It was supposed to be released on new year, but then I got sick, and my parts weren't finished... so that held us back a week, and then my voice was still gone and I sounded like a boy going through puberty XD and that pushed us back even more... T___T I feel so bad though. I'm determined to get it done this week.
Anyway... that's about all for now O_o I'll try to keep this thing updated.
XDDD I'm on a sera myu drive right now lmfao... >_> I've been listening to myu music all day. WHY?!