(no subject)

May 03, 2007 00:24

Wow, sorry for not posting in a while. I've gotten so busy. I had dress rehersel yesterday and we worked on the lighting, it's going to be so cool xD I'm actually excited.

Augh, today at work was scary as hell xD It was anormal day, and the DM was there, I was 2 minutes late >__< but I worked REALLY well being a perfect employee of course, and luckily he noticed, and he was like "wow, that's a perfect example of what you should do! She's friendly, she smiling and helping the customers" and then I was even luckier cause I got this rich Italian guy come in and he was so sweet xD I <3ed him, but his first child a girl was gonna be born in like 2 weeks, and so he was buying her clothes, and pretty much everything I suggested he was like "okay! I'll take it" XD So I sold 400 dollars worth of newborn stuff to him, it was pretty effing sweet, he was impressed :D

Then around 7:30, it started raining, I was on my break, and I didn't realize how bad it was until I got outside, I thought the sound was just magnified cause of where I was. I looked out side, the rain was SIDEWAYS xD It was nuts. You couldn't see Neimans, and that's not VERY FAR :O I couldn't see my car xD the wind gusts were like 85mph, they said. I was shocked. O___o it was like a freaking hurrican. I went to the stockroom, and there were tornado warnings and everything, and everyone was on edge, but as I walked out of the stalk room, I see my manager running toward the stock room and I hear this rumbling, and I'm like O_____O TORNADO?!?! *FREAK OUT* and then we realized it was just the trashcan blowing away xD Anyway, when it slowed down after an hour, we looked outside, and the signs were bent over, the trees were UPROOTED, all the power was out of course... it was crazy.... getting home was tough too, cause no red lights or anything, and it was so dark on the roads with no lights and no buisness lights on... *sigh*

I've never seen a storm like that in my life.

WISH ME LUCK TOMORROW ^___^ I'll dance wonderfully! <3

I <3 you guys.

And here are pics of the bunnies that I'm nursing ^^ they're getting their teeth in!!!!!! <3 And they'll be ready to move off the formula now!! :D AWWWW <3 *loves them*

T___T I'm scared of the ghoooost
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