Apr 11, 2007 00:28
So... Dance pretty much killed me to day... no joke.
We're preparing hard for our show in 4 weeks, and I got so pissed, she took out our duet and made us a quartet, and the girl she freaking put me with is like the biggest bitch ever. She was a talenette in h.s. (like a dance drill team kinda thing) so she has a big head, but she had a weak leg, and doesn't do have the stuff, and ruined our choreography, and the guy was like "this is cool I like it" but she was like "I can't do it! My legggggg *acts whiny*" and I wanted to smack her or something GOSH, so we had to change the WHOLE choreography of our duet, and right now it's the WEIRDEST most uncomplicated thing in the world... Augh so I'm pissed.... PISSED PISSED PISSED!!!!!! *KILLS HER*
So I got home, ate dinner, then I went upstairs, and I felt SO SORE, I felt like I was dying or something lol.... no joke, but I laid down, and I turned on my soundtrack to 'interview of a vampire' and totally fell asleep which is sad, cause I slept till 1:30 that day... O___o
And I had the WEIRDEST dream
So I was taking a field trip with some people that were in my dance class and vito was there and jessica who were in my psych class, but we were on a huge bus and we were singing, I guess we're going to an audition or something. But Vito and I and Jessica and this girl I don't know her name though but she's in my dance class, and we were all singing, and then we stopped at this place to sleep, and we had lots of blankets, but it was like outside... and Vito was like "are you gonna be okay if I sleep over there? *points*" and I told him I'd be okay, and I covered my head with my blankets to protect myself from the sun, that's what I was thinking anyway... and then the next thing I remember is getting back on the bus and I was doing my makeup and fixing my hair and stuff, and vito was like trying to hog the mirror from me. And then we went to this factory that was a lot like sams club lol, but these 4 guys greeted us, and there was one that really freaked me out cause he was just STARING at me... and I'm like O__o *hides* and so we took a bathroom break, and then I was talking to Vito about our song that we're going to record 'Moments' (which is weird cause we really are going to record it hah) and then this skinny and tall factory guy who was a bit of a hick was telling some of the girls a story so I went over and I was listening in cause I heard the word Vampire XD haha and he was telling them about the recent sightings of a vampire. Only this wasn't the Vampire that I'm used to know, he described it as being 'blind, and bald and he had wings that break through the skin of his back' and I'm like thinking "what a load of bullshit!" and I remember getting SO mad and going "Vampires AREN'T BLIND!! They have better eyesight than YOU do!!" and he was like "what would make you say that?" and that's when vito dragged me away and we went down one of the aisles, and we were headed toward the old guy that kind of freaked me out earlier, and he was giving me a look and I'm like *looks away* And he was giving the others some candy, and there were like 7 or 8 choices, and I asked the girl that sat with us earlier from my dance class if the orange ones were good, and she said they were so chose that one. And I ate it slowly. Then we were heading toward the bus, and there was a song being sung by a boy and girl, one of the songs from Fival lol ya know the movie with the mice? Where they came over to america??? XD haha and the older guy came up beside me while we were walking and he was like "you seemed to know a lot about vampires..." and I'm like "so?" and he's like "Well you resemble one that I destroyed in my youth" and I'm like "EH?!" and that's when vito like rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the bus and he was like "Just forget about him... stupid hicks"
and I remember something else vaugly that happened on the bus, but not well... so whatever.
I'm sure this has to do with what happened today though, cause I was walking down the stairs about to go to school and Carmen (someone who's visiting from Germany) was like "Are you a vampire?!" and I'm like "huh?! O___o" and she's like "you look so pale.." and I'm like "er..." and she said something like "maybe it's your makeup" and I'm like thinking "I'm not wearing anymake up...... SO, now my family thinks I look like a vampire, it was just weird to me, cause she said that unknowingly of my love for vampires lately xD hah...
Okay so I don't know what's with me lately O__o Where were the guys in h.s?! Why do they all come at once GEEZE.
One guy from work wants to take me to a rangers game
The foreign guy wants to take me to dinner and a movie this weekend
This creepy kid won't leave me alone
Phil's still going on about us getting married O__o and how he's going to come to texas to visit me, and we're going to have a movie kiss where he spins me around and then everyones like 'awwwww' and I'm like O____o er...
It's weird... I don't know what to do, cause I really don't want ANY of them... *siiigh* U__U where is my Edward?! So I'm prob. gonna go on the dates anyway, and... whatever... the guy from work was like "I'll take you to a rangers game, and it's on me, of course." and I think that might be fun, even though he's like 25 or something I think... and that's too old for my taste... but it might still be fun, so I'll go. And I might go to the movies with the foreign kid, just cause... maybe he'll take me to see the last mimzy XD I wanna see it.
I need to go to bed u.u and I'm not tired at aLLLLLL from my stupid nap. Crap.