Update to the project list, now sorted by what I'll be working on next.
line in bounce down Yada Yada Yada sampler (in process) - on hold due to weird volume levels
Mr. Midi II -
http://www.lehmayr.de/e_mrmidi.htm eDrum -
http://www.edrum.info/ APC 2 in orange cookie tin
Flickering tealight player
embroidery merit badge (think i figured this out)
Manual Tremolo (momentary switch with Attack/Release control)
Automatic Tremolo (gated off string attack)(Boss Slow Gear clone)
Double OD distortion pedal
finish phototheremin ring modulator
Coin buzzer from homemade music book
Drum Synth -
http://www.lbelectronics.net/drumsynth.html SX150 sequencer -
50W Push-Pull amp
frequency splitter
Telephone Mic -
http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2006/11/how_to_make_a_t_2.htmlFabric Synth
Specter(Firefly) Amp