Oct 17, 2006 16:53
Tuesday October 17th, 2006
Day 2 of my fast
I wanted to break it so bad
I was already at Rite Aid
to buy laxatives to break it.
I got inthe isle
&&there was a cute boy
so i decided not to do it.
so i decided then i dont wanna eat still
Senior pictures are Thursday
and I wanna look good for them
So i came home, after having a talk with myself
&& this is what i had written down.
just think about it
how youll feel in a couple days
push yourself
harder and harder
everytime you say no thank you
its one more yes please to your goal.
cravings suck
and hungers harder
but if your strong ;; you can do it
show them that your strong.
show them you can do anything.
show them you wont break
show them what beauty is
because you want to be beautiful right?
doesnt every girl
you want too look like thos magazines
and youll do anything to get there
isnt that what you said?
once and forever.
your not going to let yourself down
think again before you fall.
you wont be beautiful.
=] yeah pretty insightful.
I dont wanna break this.
i want to look good thursday
cheerleading game tonight
for the past 2 weeks
ive worked out from 5:30-7:30 everymorning
and 6:00-8:00 everynight
I had a personal trainer last night too
also right after school til 5:30 everyday i have cheerleading or gymnastics ;; or both
so im working out a lot.
I want to be perfect.