Oct 21, 2004 13:17
tomorrow is my birthday!!!! im pretty exited i guess...it just seems weird..i dont feel older...have you ever felt like you are on the outside and just watching yourself grow older yet you YOURSELF arent growing any older in any way shape or form?....i dont know, maybe no one else feels like that and im just a geek...what ever...i think im going to go get a half stack today...im going to make payments on it so i dont go completely broke.... i guess my parents are going to help me out a little bit with it since it is my birthday and all that crap but this mug is going to be HIGH DOLLA!!!! Sarah bought me a present that she is really exited about so im EXTREMELY exited even though she probably spent alot of money on my sorry butt...oh well..im not gonna lie...im exited about it...