Mar 23, 2005 22:14
So........this is all true....I have no clue...aLL I know is I gotta be up at, like 7 in the morning tomorrow in order to be on time for my Psych apointment at 8 in the morning...not very fun. My grandad jsut asked me if I was going to shave and I was like bitch please...I see no reason to doll myself up for some lady thats going to see thorugh it all to begin with...not like I care how I look anyways ::coughbullshitcough::
Anywhoo..I decided that I"m going to try and quit smoking again...smae ole' story eh? time I'm going to kick it up a notch by keeping a journal chroncilizing my journies through the wonderful world of "quittingville" I think its reached a point now where when I tell epople that I"m quitting there are all like ok sure...I mean..other than my boyfriend (who just said GOOD like two seconds ago) everyone else just stopped beliving me. Not that I mind...anyways I"m bored so byers!