Lily/James Short Fic Series - Song inspired 1-5/?

Jun 19, 2008 00:23

Okay, so these are some short fics I’m doing in a series. These are all song inspired fics that I got to thinking about nearly a year ago, but never had the time to write. So, while I'm not doing anything for the next few days, I figured, why not?

I don’t know how many there will be, so they’ll be coming randomly.

Comments are very welcome! :) Also, if there are any typos, please let me know!

Author: dyingisbliss58
Title: Fighting the Pain
Song: Feel the Silence, Goo Goo Dolls
Series No.: 1/?
Pairing: Lily/James
Rating: G
Word Count: 257
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. If this is, in anyway, close to what J.K. writes, then I apologize, but feel very gratified that I was compared to her greatness. (Like that’ll ever happen.)

“Lily, please, just… can we talk about this?”
“What is there to talk about? You did this to yourself! You could have been great, really truly great, but with the friends you have… look what they did to you. You aren’t Sev, anymore.”
“I am, Lily, please. Just give me one more-“
“Give you another chance!? After what you called me, you want another chance? Why? You aren’t who you were anymore! You’ve changed! You would never have called me a Mudblood before, but looked at you now. You throw it around like it’s nothing! You are just like the rest of them!”
“No! I’m not!”
“You are! Look at who you’ve become!”
He was speechless against her words.
“Go away, Severus. Just… leave me alone.”
She sat curled on a chair, wiping her eyes. He walked over to her and knelt down in front of her, offering her comforting words. She pushed him away and fled up to her dormitory. He stared after her, feeling her pain, pain that he helped cause.
He regretted so many things at that moment. He made his way back to his bed, her cries still echoing in his head as he fell asleep. All the pain he had caused because of what he had only thought of as showing off haunted him that night. Her green eyes glistening with tears was all he saw in his dreams.
How do you fix a broken heart when all you’ve done is caused so much pain for the one you truly care about?

Author: dyingisbliss58
Title: Look to the Skies
Song: The Brilliant Dance, Dashboard Confessionals
Series No.: 2/?
Pairing: Lily/James
Rating: G
Word Count: 156
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. If this is, in anyway, close to what J.K. writes, then I apologize, but feel very gratified that I was compared to her greatness. (Like that’ll ever happen.)

He watched her from the tree as she sat by the lake burning countless pieces of parchment.
He knew she thought no one was watching her, and why would she? It was after dinner, everyone was inside, and he was invisible. He watched her pain as she cried over the one she had lost. He wanted to go to her and heal her hurt. He wanted to save her from this pain.
She stood up at last and looked over the lake. She turned her eyes up to the stars, looking at them as if they held the answers to all she had ever needed. More than just tests, and petty school problems, but what life had planned for her, what she was destined to do, to become. He watched her in fascination, knowing that he had to do something for her. He would help her if it was the last thing he did in life.

Author: dyingisbliss58
Title: Changed for the Better
Song: City of Angels, Goo Goo Dolls
Series No.: 3/?
Pairing: Lily/James
Rating: G
Word Count: 195
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. If this is, in anyway, close to what J.K. writes, then I apologize, but feel very gratified that I was compared to her greatness. (Like that’ll ever happen.)

He watched her get into the carriage that day, knowing that he might never get another chance to try to help her.
He didn’t know what had happened to him since that day by the lake, but he knew that his friends were beginning to see it. He tried to hide it, but even Peter noticed how funny he was acting. He knew that he was in love with her, and could not live without her, but he didn’t know until that moment that she had begun to change him. Everything he did was for her.
On the train he wanted to approach her, wanted to help her again, but she avoided him. She didn’t see him for who he had become. She didn’t see his change, so wrapped up in her grief, she couldn’t see anything. He wanted to open her eyes to the world; to show her what there still was for her to look forward to.
She left him then, on that platform, and he didn’t know what would happen after that. How could he show her, prove to her, that he had become something better than what he had been before?

Author: dyingisbliss58
Title: Unknowing
Song: This Ruined Puzzle, Dashboard Confessionals
Series No.: 4/?
Pairing: Lily/James
Rating: G
Word Count: 227
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. If this is, in anyway, close to what J.K. writes, then I apologize, but feel very gratified that I was compared to her greatness. (Like that’ll ever happen.)

She’ll never know how it had happened. She left to escape with her family, and he was there. The one guy she thought she had loathed so much was there, and seemed just as surprised. She didn’t know whether to hide from him, or tolerate him to make life easier.
She kept running into him, and no matter how hard she wanted to believe that he had planned it, he always seemed genuinely surprised whenever they met up. Eventually, she stopped trying to fight the inevitable and gave in. She started spending time with him, and found that he had changed, or else became a different person than the one she had left at Hogwarts. She watched him with a newfound interest, re-meeting the boy she had spent the past five years pretending she knew like the back of her hand; all his antics, traits and bravado had seemed to have vanished in the past month.
By the end of her trip she found herself regretting the goodbye she knew was coming. She bid him farewell that last night, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. She felt it after they had parted; in her hand he had slipped a folded piece of parchment. As she rode back home with her parents, she kept looking at the note he had written.
Will I ever see you again?

Author: dyingisbliss58
Title: Kissing Teardrops Away
Song: If Everyone Cared, Nickelback
Series No.: 5/?
Pairing: Lily/James
Rating: G
Word Count: 325
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of its characters. If this is, in anyway, close to what J.K. writes, then I apologize, but feel very gratified that I was compared to her greatness. (Like that’ll ever happen.)

He arrived that day earlier than he had ever arrived to anything. He stood in the small park where she told him for twenty minutes before she showed up. She smiled at him and sat in the swings, motioning for him to join her.
“So, why did you…”
“Invite you here?” She finished.
He nodded.
“You’re different,” she said softly.
He looked at her with raised eye brows.
“In a good way,” she added.
He relaxed a bit and began to sway gently in the swings.
She looked over at him and smiled to herself, then began talking to him. Softly at first, about nothing in particular, but then they began sharing stories about themselves to one another. Stories about when they were younger, before they were in Hogwarts, and summers away from school. They continued to talk through the afternoon, making each other laugh.
He looked into her green eyes, and smiled.
“What?” She asked.
He just shook his head, still smiling.
“Tell me!” She said, nudging him from her swing.
“Your eyes,” he said finally.
“What about them?”
“It’s nice to see them shinning with happiness instead of tears.”
She looked away. “Thanks, I guess.”
He watched her for a moment longer before standing up and walking in front of her. He grabbed her swing, making her stop.
She looked up at him, and it pained him to see that her eyes were full of tears once again. She didn’t move away as his lips kissed away her tears. He pulled back, going no further and stared into her eyes. She stood up slowly and took his hand. Leading him to a clearing, they laid under a tree while she told him about all her hurt. He held her close, keeping her safe from her ghosts, promising to always keep her safe.
As the fireflies came out, they stayed close to each other, not wanting to let go or have the day end.

fanfic, harry potter, marauders, james/lily

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