The Date

Jan 05, 2006 14:05

Author: dyingisbliss58
Title: The Date
Rating: PG
Summary: Remus and Lily go to Hogsmead.

Remus and Lily walked down the stone castle steps towards Hogsmead together on Saturday morning. The entire way they talked about classes, books, and even a little Quidditch. Lily traded her stories of a Muggle life for Remus’ crazy stories about James and Sirius, which much to Remus’ surprise, Lily was interested in.
Once in Hogsmead the pair walked to Zonko’s Joke Shop, Honeydukes Sweets shop, and then peeked inside the Three Broomsticks to talk with a couple of friends.
About an hour after entering the pub, the pair walked out into the cool air. Both were in exceptionally good moods and smiling.
“You know,” Lily said as she finished off the Butterbeer she had been drinking, “We still haven’t had coffee.”
Remus thought about it and laughed, “Who cares? This was definitely better than coffee ever could be.”
Lily smiled and continued to walk the Hogsmead village with Remus, the conversation staying very light.
Soon they had come to the Shrieking Shack where Lily stopped and stared.
“There have been stories about that house ever since our first year.” Lily stated, not tearing her eyes away from the house. “No one in the village goes near there. But rumor around school is that there is a way in to it through Hogwarts.”
Remus looked at the house sadly, then at Lily.
“Lily,” He said softly, “I’ve had an amazing time with you today, but there’s something you should know about me.”
Lily opened her mouth to say something, but what that was, Remus would never know. At that moment Sirius and James came around the corner, from behind Remus, their wands drawn.
Lily took instinctive action and shot two nonverbal spells over Remus’ shoulder. But when Remus went to look behind him, Lily did the first thing that came to mind. She kissed him.
James dodged one spell, but Sirius was hit with the other, making him fly ten feet back down the road. James turned to watch Sirius fly, and to soften his fall, but when he turned back he saw Remus kissing Lily.
James’ blood began to boil as he shot a spell at the two, knocking them apart. He then stormed over where they were and seized Remus by the collar.
“Potter! Leave him alone!” Lily shrieked.
James looked at her with, Lily couldn’t believe, tears in his eyes.
“Why? Why did you choose the werewolf over me?” James cried, still holding Remus’ collar and Lily’s gaze.
“Werewolf?” asked Lily, now confused as she looked between the two boys.
“Prongs, I hadn’t told her yet. I was about to when you and Padfoot got here.” Remus said looking at James sadly.
James dropped Remus and stared at Lily, who in turn was staring at James.
“Werewolf.” She said again, looking at Remus one more time before fleeing down the street.

fanfic, harry potter, mauraders and lily

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