Jun 18, 2005 23:22
1. Leave me a comment saying, 'Interview me.'
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions. (They will be super-deuper awesome, I swear.)
3. Only respond if you are willing to answer ANY question that is asked of you (cross-your-heart honesty is required).
4. Update your blog with the answers to the questions.
5. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
6. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Thanks to Sarah for posting her questions and subsequently asking me questions, especially because a bajillion people asked to be interviewed (Okay, two. Shoot me). This is way better than retarded surveys with 20349828743 questions that say absolutely nothing about the person answering them. ANYWAY. Onwards.
Mon questions
1. What do you wish more people knew about you?
I wish more people knew that…I’m afraid of them. I’m afraid of what they can do to my self-image because a part of me lets them do it. Why do I wish they knew this? No idea. Maybe it'll help people understand things a bit better.
2. Have you ever been in love?
I’ve thought I was in love twice. But I’m not quite sure now as to whether it was actual love or not. Hindsight is not 20/20 in this case, and my vision at the time was quite blurred as well.
3. What is one thing you say to yourself every day?
Well, I say a number of things to myself every day.
- You suck/are lame/are stupid.
- Stop listening to the voices in your head. Including this one.
- What’s the worst that could happen?
- Remember; you have a skewed self-image.
4. What are three of your favourite adjectives?
Splendiferous, enigmatic, and lithe.
5. Who do you wish you were closer to?
Hmm…That’s a tough one. I’m not really that sure who I’d want to be closer to. I feel alternatively close and distant with a lot of people. In reality I’d love to be closer with everyone I know, currently.