Nov 18, 2009 20:00
- 09:23 its not even 9:30 and already everything coming out of my mouth is laced with arsenic and cynicsm. shit. naptime now? #
- 10:46 @ linzichan gym stuff isn't going so well. i'm being lazy. and it didn't help i was gone all weekend. i managed to work out sunday #
- 11:45 @ linzichan shit... if i thought of that sooner, i'd go every day and be skinny in 6 mos. then again i'd probably live there cuz of stress #
- 11:50 @ linzichan lol yeah. steve is a great motivator for me. i just need to motivate myself. thats my issue. #
- 12:45 @ linzichan they're pretty funny. i noticed MN is big on that. i've never seen so many pro life billboards, and i'm in conservo Wisconsin. #
- 14:54 @ piratekitten o.O you didn't get pulled over did you? #
- 17:58 @ piratekitten did sarah palin invent it? then yeah, its probably bullshit. #
- 18:01 glee is on tonight! and i'm working out @ 7. great... #
- 18:06 @ linzichan its the taco situation all over again. XD #
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