Aug 21, 2006 02:38
im in a weird mood. i havnt slept much lately. probalyl about 5 hours a night. its been stressful. lets just say...i found out alot i didnt want to. yet im still here. in love with zech. through thick and thin. i love him. im not gunna give up. even if hes making a few mistakes. and i realized why i dont liek girls. they just cause to much drama. they serisouly are out to make my life hell. its unreal. i hate it. people need to get over things.
i havnt slept right at all. i always get woke up. it sucks. I just want to hang out with zech. i realized today how much i miss him. and us as a couple. i just want to be with him. thats all. to many people are getting hurt too. to much drama. i reached my breaking point tonight. i seiosuly am scared to lose everything. i feel like i might. everythings changing. i just want summer to be over. its been the worst summer ever. it will probally be my last summer in this house. and it sucked.
i had the highest hopes...i guess thats what i get though. i shouldnt get my hopes up about anything. and just sitting here thinking about moving...makes me think that by that time, my mom will probally wanna move in with her boyfriend. and i will refuse to do that. maybe i should be planning my future more. im gunna end up going nowhere. idk i stress to much.
all i know is im gunna be able to sleep cause I love him...and he loves me...and he told me. and that makes my entire bad mood change. i love him...through thick and thin...