Feb 07, 2004 02:58
oh oh oh. today was work , none too efficiently reading and translating. i have this urge to latch onto people, which i suppress, i hope effectively. i need to find my own things. i'm going to contact the philaletheis people, to see if i can do stuff for the theatre, non-acting stuff. And anti-war group tommorrow, i think, though i'm not sure where... or when exactly. hmmm. i still don't know what i want, i hope that i am reaching towards something, not retreating inside. i am worried that this sense of moving forward to something truly meaningful will not culminate, ever, that i will march on endlessly, never dwelling here. 'be here now' fiona once told me, channeling rom daas. i miss that girl, should call her tommorrow, or maybe just someday. working on patching my jeans with an old ugly paisley shirt i never wear... it makes me happy. and the train is whistling down by the river. and the cold night air is coming in through the open window. i think i'll be ok.