Dec 01, 2005 20:08
well today was my birthday aka: nothing special. i mean sure people said happy birthday, but i mean i did nothing exciting all day. school was boring, people were nice. so that was all good. um came home. all i got today was money from the parents; which i didnt even want. so much for an ipod. so no special gift. i was supposed to go out to dinner with alex burrit && patrick. but i guess its normal for people to take like 4 hours to get home. whatever so i had no dinner today; because i pretty much expected to go with them so i didn't go out for chinese with my mom like i should have done. um i had cake with the parents which took like 2 minutes. so my birthday turned into nothing exciting; && nothing i hoped it was going to be. i even ended up becoming over emotional at my mom today because i was just so blah && ended up crying. whatever. so yeahhhhhhhhh.....
i guess there's always next year.
oh well. im looking forward to magA bringing over her gift. i never gotten my cat either; that was expected. what sucky birthday.
fuck this. i need to drink now. fuck tomorrow night is too far away.