So I had to hurry up && get ready since Christopher called && said he was bored so me && Burrit got picked up from him && went downtown arlington. Than when he was done eating, we went to Randhurst. && met up with Johnny. I got a cute dinosaur shirt that Christopher wanted bahaha. I missed him, Im glad I got to see him before school<3. We went to Burrits where Maggs && Hard got dropped off && Johnny took us to Photos where we met Ryne, Kim, Michael, && Andria. Then.....tehehe the fun happened after that.
JOY RIDING!!! We are such fucking badass's.
Johnny let Burrit drive his car to his house. Well it was Me, Burrit, Maggs, && Hard in the car. BLASTING Academy Is, && Senses Fail && Hawthorne Heights. It was sooo much fun, like omgggg. Then we left Johnnys && Maggs drove the car, && I still was the DJ. We drove to the skate park where we saw some people. Than Johnny && such came over to there. It was so much fun though, shit I can't wait until we can drive. So much fun.
Coxxx came && we saw like Jessie, Anthony, Clouder, Ryan && people. But we left there went to DT Mt. Prospect for coffee [[gross]] then headed to DTAH. Ahh so many people there. I saw like Mair, Johnathan, Andrew, Mike, Timmy, ah so much fun. Today was definatly awesome. <33.