Nov 28, 2005 22:30
I'm sitting at my comp, uploading music on the new 30gig ipod my lukey bought me (thanks again hun, i love it). I've been all against Ipod for some time, but suprisingly I am satisfied with this piece of equipment. it is actually better than the iriver I have, so no complaints frm me.
back on subject, dad has been complaining about me paying rent. I have been on time with all my payments. about 2 wks ago, i had 80 bucks in my pocket and was getting ready to go to my aunts house, so i had no time to stop and take out more money. so i handed him the money and said "here dad. it's 80. i'll give u the rest on monday". he didn't want it because he's an asshole. so i put it back in my pocket and went on about my business. he asked me for it on wed and i told him I didn't have it, and when i had it he didn't want it. he threatened to kick me out and call the cops on me. so today he kept bringin it up. so i said u know what... call the cops.
So the cops come here... and they talk to both of us. I'm very calm and collected and my dad is running wild interrupting me telling the cops i can't stay and that he'll hurt me, or kill me just to get me out. the cops are like "not a good idea to say that in front of us, because god forbid something does happen to her, we're comming to you first". he's so fuckin stupid. the cops continue to explain to him that they can't kick me out and that he should do to me what i do to him... which is PRETEND HE DOESN'T EXIST! Goddamn... I walk by him like he's not there... why not just do that to me? I don't care. In fact it would make me more comfortable to have him NOT speak to me at all then try and hold a decent conversation. I'm fine knowing he hates me, because it's mutual. just don't bug me is all. sheesh.
so... that was interesting. I'm so glad he called them though. now maybe he'll shut the fuck up because he realizes he's got no choice.
anyways... off to finish putting stuff on this thing. btw, anyone got any plans for this weekend or free this weekend at all? If so, leave a message or give me a call or sumthin.