May 24, 2004 20:13
i just cant take it anymore...criticize criticize criticize. people are just driving me mad right now. it is not them just some of the things that they do are really...egh! people wonder why i am in such a bitchy ass mood all the time you wanna know... something my past....that has been getting to me, for a long time. it is depressing me to a point where i just wanna fuck it all. but i am still here arnt i. yeah i have been lying to you about something..ok. but i have a reason why i did it. but it kills me that i am keeping a secret from my may not be big but i have been thinking this from DAY 1 and i hate it. almost two fuckin years i have been keeping jsut hurts so much.... maybe if telling you a lie you wouldnt be omg omg omg. god! maybe when i am ready i will tell you guys who knows. i just need to tell people before it seriosuly drives me mad..... i am also not having the best family life right now...OK.....god. if you reallly want to know then you will have to talk to me becuase frankly i am not going to empty myself in this journal where i know plenty of people read this..............