
Jan 31, 2009 22:49

我此生第一部中文舞台剧 - 华丽上班族之生活与生存.

这也是我在 Esplanade Theatres 的首部舞台剧.

华丽的剧场, 简单的舞台背景设计 (台中间就两段长长的阶梯, 右边二楼是阳台, 左边都是木格子, 有的摆放着书, 有的则是文件夹), 经验丰富 (只有郑元畅是处女秀) 的实力派演员, 简单明撩又贴进人心的剧情. How nice. Almost perfect.

郑元畅真的很帅, 在剧里也很搞笑.

但在这么多经验丰富的实力派演员相比之下, 他的表现的确看起来差了点. 还是觉得他好相是在演偶像剧. but still, 谢幕的时后, 他的掌声和尖叫声却是最大的. 怎么说也是他的处女秀, 我想算是及格了. 他的帅就足以让他及格 haha

看完这舞台剧之后, 我真的对舞台剧演员们十分敬佩. 同步播放的英文字幕代表着每一句台词都必须一字不漏. 没有NG重来的机会. 还要记住每个走位, 停点, 道具摆放的位置. 整部剧长达3小时, 有多少要记的东西啊? 佩服的五体投地.

So, 生活与生存, 该怎么选? 又或者说, 由得我们选吗? 我想我们还是有选择的吧. Ah Peng 说必须先有生存才能谈生活. i guess so. 但回家的路上, 我反复的想, 这里的生存应该不是指基本生存, 而是过了那关之后, 你该
选择为了生存不故一切,不择手段, 踩着别人往上爬? 还是选择作自己,简简单单, 安份守己的生活着?

I think i'll choose the latter. the earlier is too tiring, and drains way too much energy from me haha im a lazy person. im not an ambitious person. i just want to get married, stay home and look after kids haha. Ok may be not entirely, but basically, family does still come in first for me, not career. but at the rate i'm going, looks like i may have to make career my priority soon, oh well, gotta make and save enough to pay for my own old folks' home fees in future....

i quite like the twist of the play's ending, something totally unexpected and 郑元畅's last line was really funny "我不怪他, 我想他无心的, 他只是忘了放开我的手." haha crap-ily funny. i also like how they try to add local flavours to the play, like having the "waiter" speak singlish, mentioning of MM Lee's memoirs. my fav character at the end of the day? hmmm...cant decide on one. they all have something in each character that makes them so memorable, it's tough to have to pick one among them.

overall, a wonderful virgin experience. =)

met ah peng earlier for lunch, went to The Stock Pot @ Esplanade, pretty good soup they serve there. i had the lobster & crab bisque, which i think is quite comparable to the one Jack's Place serves, which by the way, is tops in my list at the moment for lobster bisques haha

the spritz lemon sucked though, didnt know it tasted so awful haha. the sandwich's ok, passable. the foccacia's a bit dry and tough, but e bacon and cheese makes up for the difference. still miss the chicken mayo foccacia that used to be at this small cafe besides MOM. pity it's gone, dun even know where it has gone to...

after the play, we walked over to Raffles City, went to Prego's for dinner. suppose to go for stg cheaper cos feeling kind of broke after spending $91 on the play (and another $91 for 1 more next week), but ah peng was craving for risotto, so oh well.

they still serve nice, hot, soft bread. decided to try the seafood linguine aglio olio instead of the usual carbonara (i figured it's healthier haha). actually it wasn't that bad. in fact, on 2nd thoughts, it's better than the carbonara. the prawns are super fresh and crunchy too. we also shared a caesar salad but i forgot to take a picture of it haha

can't wait for next week's play, 宝岛一村, another highly recommended 台弯舞台剧 with excellent reviews.

I guess for this one, there'll probably be less to "reflect" and think about after the play since it's a historic replay, of what used to be like in the earlier days of Taiwan. but i'm still looking forward to it!

能吃是福, blah blah lalalala

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