Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn

Feb 19, 2006 00:12

    "I don't suppose I can convice you to persuade Lord Chaynal not to ride tomorrow? The very least you could do is limit him to entering only half the races. He takes away all the sport, for he invariably wins."
       Rohan laughed. "You'll take away his sport if you forbid him to race. He likes to terrify my sister, then laugh at her when she blisters his ears for not being more careful of his precious hide."
    Lleyn's blue eyes, faded with age but merry as a boy's, twinkled with pleasure. "I take leave to doubt that, Rohan. I don't believe your sister has ever been frightened in her life, and I'm positive that even a scold from her would be purest music to any man's ears."
    Rohan leaned over and tapped Chay's shoulder. "Did you hear that? He thinks Tobin's rages ought to be set to music!"
    "War drums," Chay agreed. "She smiles at you, Lleyn, because you dandled her on your knee when she was a child and gave her sweets to make her fat. And you still flirt with her until I ought to run you through! But being her husband isn't all it's rumored to be!"

Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn

book quote

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