Multiliteracies: My perspective from the classroom

Sep 18, 2005 05:47

Dear all,

It's been a while since my last entry due to the summer holiday. Here I am again, this time I am devoting this post to a course I have been kindly invited to attend by its moderator, Vance Stevens. The course deals with "Multiliteracies for Collaborative Learning Environments". We are pretty familiar with what collaborative learning environments are, but... MULTILITERACIES...Hmmm, what is that?

Well, that's what we are supposed to get to in the second cycle of the course (in the first cycle we introduced ourselves and interacted informally with the rest of the participants in Moodle ).

After reading the different enlightening works done by other participants, I decided to take a look at what goes on inside my classrooms, and I created this Web page

I would appreciate your comments.




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