What have I been up to?

May 26, 2009 19:20

For one, Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots. I spent four good days downloading, studying and playing it.

RTS games are awesome. Particularly this one. After Warcraft III Franchise, for me this game is at par with Red Alert. Unlike other RTS games, this one has an in depth gameplay. It's not just collecting resources and raiding the enemy. It has taken into the equation the real power of economics. Too much of somethings are as inconvenient as having too few of the others. Management, micro and macro, is extremely important; and with regards to the economy, micro is the only way.

In a game, any nation can subdue any other nation so long as one strikes a balance between military, research and economic strategies. It's not all raid and conquer. A battalion of spear men has nothing against a platoon of riflemen. Get left behind an age or two and you're facing genocide. Leaving your enemies unopposed and unchecked will be a noose tightening around your neck before the city bells alarm. A tottering economy would be like laying down your arms without a hint of resistance to your neighbor. In this game your economy is the backbone of your war machine. Much like in real war, only the rich triumph.

Another would be Manga, Girl Saurus DX and Girl Saurus in particular.

One word. Awesome. Ahahaha.. I had a nice laugh while reading these in Onemanga.com.  Its Ecchi, meaning naughty but nothing over the line. It's fairly decent considering the amount of enjoyment you'll have reading the series. In summary, I could only say that the story is everything that a typical highschool boy could wish for. Ahaha.. I had a such a good time though it made me feel nostalgic of those years. It just made me realize that schooling is one hell of great time. Spent 3 days here.

Yet again, another Manga, Neon Genesis Evangelion, NGE: Angelic days, NGE: another sequel I can's spell and the NGE: Eden Doujishin.

The last time I saw the series on television was when I was elementary. So after the Girl Saurus series, it took me three days to feel the need to search for this online. And I was not disappointed. IT WAS AWESOME. It was a headache reading all the psycho shit but IT WAS TRULY AWESOME. Truly legendary, one of the best anime's ever animated. Ahahaha.. The author of the series was once a psych patient so it really explained a lot. The plot, the characters, the mecca, the awesome, a real masterpiece. I encourage you to read it. It's open ended in manga, but on the tv series it has a lot of different endings, and not surprisingly, a number of alternate universes.  Fanfiction and sequel alike, it will get you hooked.

The Angelic days was, I don't know, a sequel of some sort. I haven't completely read it yet so I still can't confirm on that. It's a lighter bit to the otherwise complex psycho analytic theme of the original anime. This story conforms to the social norm of what teenagers should do in a teenage manga, they fall in love. There's still the bit  though of the meccas and the angels (enemies), of nerv and seele, of existentialism and humanity. It's like a consolation to the fans of the series not contented with the ending of the series those people in charge made. All I can say is, It's a happy bit. On reading the original series you fall in love with those deranged characters; to a fan, the Angelic Days, is like compassion that these entities, created by some tormented author, found a more or less LESS distressing take on life. Ahehehe... read it, it too is AWESOME. Its on animea.com

NGE: Eden Doujishin is well... HENTAI... No explanations necessary. No translations necessary. It's hentai. What more would you want. Ahahaha. I don't know if this is fan art or not but the similarities between the characters from the original are well almost perfect. Try and compare. For this one, you'll have to find it for yourself. It's not like GoogL* and YAhO* have a very strict.. well you know... content filter. Ahahaha


I need not say more. The manga is way ahead of the anime on tv. The plot thickens. Catching up will take a day or two of your life. But believe me when I say, this manga is popular for a reason.


I didn't accomplish much work for two weeks so we were back logged for about 3 weeks in the office. Thankfully, after three days, I have cleaned up my bit and catched up with the requirements.

Manga to read: CODE GEASS
To watch: Avatar: The Legend of Aang

There you go I have caught up in blogging. My summer vacation is about to end. Another year awaits me on the great grounds of UST. Viva Santo Tomas!!! Another year to be Gold. Ahahaha

work, naruto, rise of nations, neon genesis evangelion, rts games, manga

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