KAITO (general): [ icepopstar ]: shouted at her from his front yard, after getting her a ladder, they go to the bus to scare the other Kaito who wrote the sign
Len Kagamine (Imitator): [ justanimitator ]: wanted to know why she was shouting, told her where she was and brought a ladder, stutters a lot, doesn't know a lot, worries about her virus and says he'll talk to the doctor Len about it
Kageito (general): [ shadowofshade ]: frowns at her up on the roof, grows big scarf arms to get her down from the roof, then he proceeded to creep Rin out and wrap his scarf around her, cue much yelling, calling him a pervert, and threatening him with her virus, however the younger version is a lot nicer and she thinks of the older like a virus to him
KAITO (general): [ vocaloidiot ]: first though she was trying to sell something but then got a ladder to get her off the roof, annoyed her a bit about the place, but she got her revenge by startling him with her guitar
Mikuo Hatsune (general): [ futurebro ]: poked her in the shoulder and said he liked her, turns out he was practicing pick up lines or something, so she decided to help and gets rewarded with orange smoothie
Yuki Kaai (Disco☆Chocolatheque, general): [ appleappeal ]: she woke up next to her in the school house Yuki was cleaning, Yuki thinks school is important
Lily (general): [ flowerpond ]: woke up in Rin's bed, wanted to know if her Earth had numbers after it (it doesn't), and then talk about her virus ridden family
Lily (Xavier Institute): [ cnstructionzone ]: arguing with the other Lily over B-day gifts
SeeU (general): [ i_fantasy ]: brand new Vocaloid appears in the VDR
Neru Akita (general): [ cellphone_diva ]: new Neru wondering what's going on
Len Kagamine (The End of Solitude?): [ shota4virus ]: arrived on a 30 foot building, got him down with a fire truck... AHH! HE'S MY LEN FROM BEFORE HE GOT SICK! GET AWAY! GET AWAY! GET AWAY!
Gakupo Kamui (???): [ ilikebigbuffs ]: this one's a priest and had a Rin who's gone from the DR now is totally with the other Rin, nice enough to try and cheer her up when down
Miko Ooka (general): [ omnomoniichan ]: ran up to and scared Rin