Jan 08, 2010 06:31
So what do I write about? Well given that the title is "Randomness," I suppose that means I must be random. But my life is random, so it works out quite well.
I'm now 22 years old. I do not feel special or anything, nor do I feel old -- or young for that matter. My birthday went as so: got up and bought a few groceries, went to class, bought Indian food in an attempt to celebrate my birthday, ate all the Indian food I bough, rolled around on the floor in pain due to stomach being too full, fell into food coma, woke up just in time to go to work. Yay me!
I have a story to tell. Go on, go get some popcorn or a nice snugly blanket :) I have no problems waiting..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... aaaaaand we are back! (story time music go) So when I was a wee little tyke of the age of 13, I had a bicycle. It was such a great bike! It had trick pegs and a bad-ass paint job, and... streamers... oh yea (smug face) streamers. Anyhoots, I loved riding that bike! And when I say "loved" I mean "hated!" EVERY TIME I rode that bike, I got the fucking flu! Seriously. One day I had had enough! I pushed the bike over to a pile of scraps and left it there, 2 days later that pile was hauled off to be incinerated -- burned to the ground like the plague ridden whore it was. The bike's name was Mongoose.
I've been a lot about distance lately. How, depending on the person in question, distance can be an amazing and/or terrible thing. Example: If the two people in a scenario were you and a guy with a knife trying to kill you, distance would be a good thing; however, if it was you and an attractive liaison wanting to tie you up via shibari ropes... distance may not be so bad then hmmm? (raises eyebrow) It is times like these I truly wish I had 4 Spheres in Space magic. <-- reference for all you Mage players. It would be bad ass, all I'm saying ^_^
I could continue my rants but long post is long enough.
Well, Thats it for me,
Ticket please, thanks. Walk through the doors.