Alright I just recently learned that Joe Barats from is a chrono trigger fanatic like much that in a teenie little bio of himself (ie less than 30 words) he mentioned the most extravagant rpg of all time. If you havent seen any of barats and bereta's videos please click the link below, laugh, cry, become a fan, and get back to LJ to finish reading my post (cause its just that funny lol) So...Welcome back! Well that just made me happy to nerd out for a bit.
At work I have been bored out of my freggin' skull because I have nothing to do 83ish% of the time. I have checked out youtube, wikipedia, addictinggames, onemanga, pennyarcade, digg, and many other forms of PG13ish entertainment on the web, my problem is that i need somthing else. If anyone knows any badass websites I could visit (work appropriate of course) let me kno. Please!
I got asked for money to day by a mormon. thats it...I walked out of ROSS with a super spiffy stopped me and asked me for money while handing me a pamplet....looked down at pamplet to see it was for a mormon the man a nickel. It was all the currency I had on my person. He frowned at me. We exchanged pleasentries but not names...he should not have frowned at me....if I give you a last nickel at that don't "frown" at me....if I had his name I'd hunt him down and take back my was a good nickel...Little Nick i named him...well lil' Nick or a repalcement nickel...either is fine.
PS. if you are wondering about the title...its a mockery of a comandline progaram at my work...only I get that joke I think....sorry....Peace and Love to All!!