Интереснейший австриеец...

Jun 28, 2009 20:33

На праздновании 25-летнего юбилея музея военной техники в Нюрнберге мое внимание привлек стенд с книгой на английском языке -
"SOVIET CANNON" A Comprehensive Study of Soviet Guns and Ammunition in Calibres 12.7mm to 57mm
то есть - Всестороннее Исследование советского Оружия и Боеприпасов в Калибрах 12.7 мм к 57 мм.
Книга обалденная, просто энциклопедия. Коротко о книге -
- В твердом переплете, 586 страниц, полный цвет
- Язык: английский язык
- ISBN: 978-3-200-01445-9
- Измерения: 305x215x37 мм (стандартный размер письма A4), вес 2.3 кг
- Напечатанный на премиальном качестве, яркая белая бумага - 115 гр
- Число фотографий: приблизительно 1 150 (более чем 90 % из тех в цвете)
Но, дела не в книге, а в авторе.
И так ну очень краткое интерью с автором - Кристиан Колл, инженер-электронщик, 33 года, из Линца Австрия, собирал материалы на книгу 10 лет, писал три года.
- Кристиан, а почему именно советские пушки?
- Там было так много нового и неизвестного. По западным книгам можно найти массу справочников, а вот по советским, было очень трудно.
- А почему на английском языке, Вы же немец - австриец?
- Я очень хотел донести эту книгу до всего мира. Книга очень специфическая и на немецком языке замкнется в Германии и Австрии.
- И как всегда вопрос о планах - что дальше? Большие калибры?
- Возможно.
- Спасибо.
Я еще сделал фото Кристиана, но он категорически попросил его не публиковать. А зря весьма открытый и симпатичный молодой человек.
Следующие материалы взяты с сайта www.russianammo.org
Это не реклама, просто уж больно парнишка хороший, взял не пожалел свои 10 лет и книгу о советких пушках написал. Вот.

A Comprehensive Study of Soviet Guns and Ammunition in Calibres 12.7mm to 57mm
What started as an Internet webpage in 1999 has resulted in a comprehensive work of arms and ammunition literature intended for historians, researchers, collectors, EOD personnel and officials.
- Hardbound, 586 pages, full colour
- Language: English
- ISBN: 978-3-200-01445-9
- Dimensions: 305x215x37mm (standard A4 letter size), weight 2.3kg
- Printed on premium quality, bright white paper 115gm/m?
- Number of photos: approx. 1,150 (over 90% of those in colour)
- Price: € 110.00
"SOVIET CANNON - A Comprehensive Study of Soviet Guns and Ammunition in Calibres 12.7mm to 57mm" is the result of more than ten years of research by Christian Koll. It is the first book in any western language that brings together all available information on medium-calibre Soviet arms and ammunition. This type of weapon includes large calibre machine guns, aircraft guns, anti-aircraft guns, light tank and anti-tank guns, as well as infantry fighting vehicle cannon and grenade launchers.
In a total of 586 pages this book covers every aspect of these weapons including the history of development, the operating mechanism, the types of ammunition made in all of the Warsaw Pact countries including markings and designation systems, ammunition packaging, belt links and charger clips, powders, high explosives and ballistics. Besides standard service issue weapons, many experimental designs are described as well.
Approximately 1,150 colour photos and drawings of arms and ammunition illustrate this book. Most of the pictures were taken in Russian museums and from leading collections from all over the world.
An entire chapter is devoted to the history of the Soviet ammunition plants from the beginning to present. For the first time a comprehensive study of Soviet and Warsaw Pact ammunition manufacturer codes is provided, comprising approximately 380 different entries, most of which are identified.
Contained on a CD-Rom that is enclosed with this book are another 286 scale drawings in colour of cartridge cases, projectiles and components, both whole and cutaway views and showing all markings.
Compared to the "Russianammo" webpage, this book offers much more information, photographs and drawings. While the webpage comprises only 68 pages, the contents of the book including the drawings on CD-Rom is 13 times that amount. Please note that the original "Russianammo" webpage is at the state of 2005 and is no longer updated or maintained.
Please have a look at the table of contents and the sample pages to find out more about the book (click right mouse button and "save as" to download these PDF-files):
Table of Contents of the Book Table of Contents of the Drawings on CD-Rom Sample Pages of the Book
How to Order:
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My email address is: russianammo@yahoo.com
Your order will be confirmed by a reply email that contains an invoice and the payment information. The book will be shipped as soon as the money has been received. By placing an order the customer declares to have fully read and understood the terms of service and fully agrees to those.
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Prices & Shipping Costs:
Price of the book per copy: € 110.00
Shipping costs within Europe (EU and non-EU countries):
Economy: € 18.50 (7-10 days delivery time)
Priority: € 21.50 (up to 7 days delivery time)
Shipping costs for the rest of the world (outside of Europe, overseas):
Economy Airmail: € 32.00 (6-8 weeks delivery time)
Priority Airmail: € 45.00 (4-6 weeks delivery time)
Please note that there is no overseas surface shipping offered by the Austrian postal service any more, all mail is sent by aeroplane.
The shipping costs are each provided for a single book, sent as an insured packet. If you would like to order more than one copy, the shipping costs will be calculated individualy.
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