Jun 12, 2011 23:01

[fail lock to self; 100% hackable]

(note: u2 dollar bill 2maller than pound.)

- glauciidiium gnoma.
- con2iidered 2malle2t owl iin the world next two elf owl.
- natiive two north and central ameriica.
- mea2ured between 16 two 18 cm.
- "2iit and waiit" predator.
- 2oliitary, un2ociiable.
- diiet con2ii2t2 of maiinly 2mall mammal2, iin2ect2, and biird2.
- u2ually only eat the braiin of them.
- able two carry up two three tiime2 theiir own weiight.
- ba2iically they are bada22 and fuckiing amaziing.
- 2ell for 45 galleons.
- fuck.

ju2t puttiing iit out there that ii'm able two tutor people for ca2h iin anciient rune2 and ariithmancy iif you need iit. ii am pretty amaziing at them 2o you don't have two worry about me not beiing competent or 2ome 2hiit. ju2t plea2e try two be 2omewhat le22 of an iidiiot whiile ii am tryiing two do 2o, iit ii2 really fuckiing iirriitatiing haviing two an2wer the 2ame que2tiion forty diifferent tiime2. or iin general for that matter.

great advertising, +rose lalonde, !sortinghat, +dave strider, it's called karma, +jade harley, +kanaya maryam, !ic, lol 2 dollar bills, what a charmer

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