hey a22hole2.
ju2t iin ca2e anyone wa2 dumb enough two buy intwo a certaiin douchebag'2 po2t the other day, 2ciience ii2 real. you can't get any more real than 2ciience. ii gue22 ii can forgiive the iignorant pureblood2 who make the mii2take ONCE but the re2t of you have no excu2e for not knowiing what a computer ii2. let alone not beiing able two wriite a 2iimple program for conver2iion2 between a2ciiii and pet/cbm code2, though ii doubt you could anyway. holy FUCK.
al2o iif any thiird year ravenclaw boy2 want iintwo the dorm riight now you can go 2uck iit. ii'll let you iin when ii feel liike iit.
(permission post for his text is
here, if you'd rather not be subject to reading that!)