A Tribute to Heartless

May 18, 2010 20:44

So yeah, woohoo Season 9 Top 3. Whoop-de-doo.

Meanwhile, a year ago, it was a tussle and exciting. Many non-Kris fans think that he snuck into the finale based on his awesome top 3 rendition of Kanye West's Heartless. Not true, most Kris fans voted for him pretty much from ANS/Top 9 on (and in many cases from the beginning). But Heartless definitely grabbed the swing voters and is my personal favorite performance on any season of Idol. Definitely one of the top performances by any measure. Kris went on to have a Billboard Top 20 hit with the Idol studio version of it, and has performed it live ever since. Any Kris fan worth their salt probably has 5 to 10 mp3s of different performances of it. So let's salute the many ways we love Heartless:

Top 3 SHAZAM into the Season Finale Performance (Hmm that lighting looks familiar, did we see it tonight):

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Idol Tour Performance (I had to go with the Little Rock love fest, but for great videos, also check out You Tubes of Oakland, Baltimore and Manchester)

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Live in the Vineyard Performance - When Kris introduced the mashup he now does of Heartless with Gangster's Paradise

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Heartless the most recent time he did it (last Saturday at Six Flags):

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!performances, live, !krisallen, kriisssssssssssssss, !video, idol tour, heartless, come back season 8

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