Idol Rant for Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Apr 06, 2010 20:45

I'm going to begin my Idol episode rants with this top 9 Lennon McCartney show.

JFC what are the judges smoking. So Katie the whore had only one bum note that I heard and apparently none of the judges did. SHE STILL SUCKS. Her version was so mediocre when compared to Brooke White's touching version from Season 7 and of course the gold standard for Idol Let it Be covers would be Kris Allen when he returned to perform it as a benefit for Haitian Earthquake relief.

So here, have a palate cleanser after Katie and Andrew (who is just gawd awful) and enjoy Brooke. In fact, just listening to her explain why she picked it, I am so sorry that poor Brooke didn't enter this year, she would have cleaned up.

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And because Kris' performance was so lovely, one of the best ever on Idol, enjoy that too--

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And here we go Big Mike, again no respect for past champions from judges or AI9 Contestants, as we tackle Eleanor Rigby. Cook fans will not be happy and shouldn't be, because Big Mike was OK, but definitely didn't come close to topping Cook, yet no mention of him. So enjoy Cook's version again:

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OK Crystal time. She's the only one who I can actually stand this year. Although I do support Tim winning to teach AI a lesson. Crystal is doing Come Together. This was Kris' song last year, not one of my favorites by him though. He's been doing it live lately. So after watching, I see she forgot some lyrics. I didn't think her guitar playing was as strong as Kris. Her vocals weren't bad though. Best of the night so far.

But because we will need distraction after the horrors to come, let's compare the guitar playing and enjoy the smoldering rage at the end of this video as the judges try to throw him under a bus named Gokey:

Kris Allen - Come Together (American Idol 8) [HQ] en Yahoo! Video

It's TURBAN time. Many hardcore Idol fans are supporting him because he is exactly the winner this loser of a season deserves. VFTW backs him. I think ONTD-AI backs him. Lots of my twitter friends are for him. Not because he can sing. He can't. But he doesn't give an eff and this drives those stupid judges nuts and they deserve to be driven nuts for picking these losers this year. So Tim has picked All My Loving. I don't even need to hear this to proclaim this GENIUS. VOTE FOR TIM. If you're a glambert, hey, Adam is going to be the mentor next week, give the guy some eye candy to look at! If not, let's make sure that whore Katie and stupid Andrew make bottom 3 but VOTING FOR TIM. VOTE VOTE VOTE. Don't be lulled by that phony fake praise they threw his way. They are trying to trick you into keeping Andrew or Aaron or Katie. Eff that. VOTE TIM.

It's Casey time. He does look sleazy. But he is a good guitarist. Actually I really like this. It feels heartfelt. Usually I think Casey is just sort of there. Tonight he is standing out. So good job Casey and you for one and probably only time are best of the night. BUT VOTE TIM.

I think Siobhan is very overrated based on one decent semi-finals performance. She's doing Across the Universe. It's sounding OK but boring. I remembered Michael Johns did this Season 7 and it was a hot mess but it wasn't boring like this is. UPDATE - a friend just reminded me it was his version of a Day in the Life that was the hot mess. Not a good thing when the world knows you had a hot mess but just can't recall which tune it was. I was never a Michael Johns stan. I always giggle when VFTW calls him ADB.

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LOL at this weirdo Earl in the audience. He's more entertaining than the real contestants.

Lee and Andrew clearly watched some Kradam videos on You Tube and have concocted a friendship. No one on this season honestly likes each other. Please.

Lee sounds so freaking rough on Hey Jude. Any hard core Idol fan knows this is the song Kris closed with during the tour the past summer, joined by all the Season 8 finalists at the end instead of a cheesy bagpipe guy. And Kris did not sound rough except for the two shows when he was really sick and didn't whine, and then Adam and Allison had his back and carried the notes and held him up at the end. Because the Season 8 people were good people who actually liked each other and who could sing. Happy Kradam dance at 3:33 of this video:

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