Apr 04, 2005 19:34
Gee, the weather is so darn cold today! I mean, it rained almost the entire afternoon. Began on late morning. But then surprise, surprise! I was not sleepy at school today. I suspect it has to be the cup of coffee I drank this morning as breakfast as I was a little sleepy when I woke up today for school. Yawn!
So, yeah. My class has a new student who joined us today. Of course all of us were excited. Me too.
And to top things off, we even got a group of exchange students from China today visiting the school! This is cool.
And so when I thought the coffee I drank this morning is good for me to survive the rest of the day when I was home, it was not. I fell asleep.
I saw an advertisement in a magazine today about a national writing competition. I went to tell my dad about it, telling him I was toying with the idea of joining it. He told me to go for it and when I headed to the site to find out more info, guess what? I need to write a minimum of 2,500 words and cannot exceed 10,000 words (if I want to write a short story as there is a category on poems too). Okay, I know I can be a little chatty back then when writing essays in class but 2,500 words?! Help! Dad reminded me one thing - I did tried to even write a full-length novel before! Yeah right. I tried writing two but both were written halfway. Haha. I read through before and I think it's not even up to standard. Oh well...
Still, I printed out the application form and the rules and regulations anyway. Just in case I forgot about it and thinking of participating it at the last minute (of course there are prizes too but then I don't really care much because I had this secret wish of seeing my works published, but, so far my past works only limited to school publications). Hmm!