Melodies of Romance

Feb 04, 2009 13:39

Welcome to all whose eyes have fixed upon this entry.  The banner above begins dxs_love 's first (almost) month long challenge, coined Melodies of Romance.

Because we are rather late this time around, the challenge will run for approximately three weeks only.  As usual, it will include both fics and graphics, plus anything else that participants feel like submitting.  Of course, all must be DiexShinya related.

The following is a bundle of links that will lead those interested to the specific week's challenge.

Valentine's Day Challenge
Prompts and Graphics Challenge
Shinya's Birthday Challenge

We do expect the submissions to be under the correct week that they've signed up for.  Details of date and deadlines can be found above, by clicking on the challenge week(s) that one is interested in.  With that said, all participants can ask the MODs for a little something for their efforts.  Be it an icon or a drabble, as long as it is reasonable, the MODs will have no problems with.

As a good will, we highly recommend that all fanworks done for this challenge be cross-posted to die_shinya  as well.  If you would like to participate, please reply to one of the three threads linked above.  If there is any general question concerning this challenge, please feel free to contact a MOD or leave a comment here.

Thanks, and have fun!

melodies of romance, the beginning

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