(no subject)

May 24, 2005 03:00

Some times i wonder where this country is heading. There is a Serious problem in this country and it is imigration. Neather the republicans or the democrats want to touch the subject. I understand why the democrats wont touch it cause they see iligals as posible voters. the repubicans i dont know why they wont touch the subject. My guess is the dont want to come off as racest biggots. Who the fuck cares. Not only are a borders open to mexicans there open to who the fuck ever want to come threw mexico. Not only are these ppl an economic risk to this country but there also health risk. Shit like TB leprosie and other shit is on the rise in this country and we had eradicated them from are country. Then to top it all off the success of the min men in new mexico was such a big sucess that the higher border officals said to make less arrests to make the min men project look like a failar. Are own presedent called them vigilanties. Congress need to get there heads out of there fucking ass and stop filbustring female judges and open there eyes to what the ppl are worried about in this country. God help us if Hillory clinton decides to make a stance aginst immigration cause it might get her elected. Thats someone are country dosent need. Texas is talking about doing its own min men project and i just might volinteer a weekend or something. Lets hope what happening over in england dosent happen hear.

on another note What is up with all the anti american bs going on in this country. The librals are out to distory this country. When has it become ok to say its wrong to throw the koran down the toilte and throw are countrys flag down in a burn barral. Maybe its because im from Tx and we have alot of pride for are state and country. Then i see on the discovry channel that Moore asshole has made it on the top 100 americans. This is comeing from a guy that said the FRENCH ARE BETTER THAN US. then in an interview said all americans are stupid and would give someone money to prove otherwise. please exsplain to me how someone who hate america can be in the top 100 most importan americans. oh well
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