"date-ish type thing"

Jan 29, 2007 17:01

So my plan for Saturday Night was the following:
~ Pick up Natalie
~ Go to Jamboozies
~ Jam out to some Planet of Fun
~ Drink a few beers
~ Good times were to be had by all

Well... that WAS the plan
until we got to Jamboozies and found the place PACKED
packed to the point that there were no parking spots packed
not even at the party store next door

So here we are
10 pm on a Saturday Night and nothing to do

So what did you guys decide to do instead?
Go to a different bar?... No...
Go see a movie?... No...
Go sit at Coneys?... No...
Pick up a prostitute and then kill her?... Contemplated, but No...
Drive to MSU and tip a few cows?... Contemplated more so than the hooker idea, but still No...

I've got it...
"Let's find the absolute lamest thing we can find to do"

I know... Wander a 24-hour Walmart!

Whoa whoa whoa, Nick
Why am *I* (insert your name here) going to want to read an LJ about you going to Walmart?

It's not about going to Walmart... it's the adventure of getting there!

Watch out Harold and Kumar... here we come :)

So I guess the first question is:
Why wander Walmart if Joe Deleeuw and the Toy Section/Clearance Rack isn't involved?

Excellent question, we were wondering the same thing
Until we came across this sign...

There's Natalie pouting, telling me 4'9" comes up to her chin there
But I was having none of it
We all know she's 4'9"
And if she was going to be riding in my car with me,
she needed to be in a booster seat!

So our next mission was to then find a 24-hour Walmart for said booster seat
But first I needed gas

Brrrr... it was cold
And the windshield was dirty

So pretty soon Natalie gave me some bad directions
and we ended up in the 'Land-o-Dead End Streets'

We got into this Subdivision at 10:21

Cant go this way...
Which was should we go?? *shrug*

Can't go this way either...
How do we get out of here?? *shrug*

FINALLY, a half hour later we found a street that let us out of the maze...

I was beginning to think we would never get out of there alive and got scared
So scared I asked her to Marry me while we were lost
and she actually said yes cause she was scared we'd never get out too
So we went straight to The Little Wedding Chapel

But when we got there, she changed her mind :'(

Looking back I'm glad she thankfully she saw through my irrational thinking
and changed her mind and said 'No'

Either way, we were off track of our mission
and needed to go back to finding a Walmart

11:11pm... we wished we had some food
Maybe it would do us some good and help us start thinking straight again
And like a sign from God, we found a place that sells Pierogies
And we all know Polish food makes Nick a happy, clear-thinking, boy

Mmmm they sounded yummy
They were closed tho... boooo :(
While looking for more food, we then saw The Mustard Seed
which is home to the Big Chief

We'd both heard the tales of the Legend of the Big Chief
and we knew he could lead up in the right direction

...and lead us in the right direction he did
cause when we got out of there Natalie wanted to take a detour
To where? you ask...

Ohhh yes, that's correct, The Traffic Light
And she didn't want to just go and sit there
Oh no
She was EAGER to participate before we even walked through the door

So we got out of there and STUNK of cigarettes, cheap booze, and strippers
...thank you Mt. Clemens strippers
So before the smell overwhelmed both of us, we were off to take a bath
A bath?
Yes, a bath... where at? you ask...
Where better than Bath City

Yes I am holding my nose,
thats how bad the stripper stink was

I kinda wish someone would have told me
you can't just show up in Bath City and take a bath
no matter how much you stink of strip club :(

Stinky, we went back to the driving
and for some reason decided we wanted to hear some Billy Idol
So I gave Steve Black a call at Riff

But he didnt play any Billy Idol for us :(
Right when we were about to let it get us down
there it was, in all of its glory
A Walmart

Not just any Walmart, oh no
A 24-Hour-Walmart!

Before we begin the search for Booster seats
I just want to give a shout-out to all my peeps

Now that that's out of the way
Let's start wandering around Walmart,

Toy section... CHECK
Clearance Rack... CHECK
DVD section... CHECK

Now that the basics were covered
Back to finding the Booster seat

Victory was in sight
We found it!
A booster seat!

Now Natalie can safely ride in my car :)
To celebrate, me and Kermit decided to go for a joy ride

All in all, it was a very fun night :D
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